
  1. Vinogradov I. A. Gogol' — khudozhnik i myslitel': khristianskie osnovy mirosozertsaniya [Gogol an artist and a thinker: the Cristian foundations of outlook]. Moscow, The Gorky Institute of World Literature “Nasledie” Publ., 2000. 448 p.
  2. Vinogradov I. A. Istoricheskie vozzreniya Gogolya i zamysel poemy «Mertvye dushi» [Gogol's historical views and the concept of the novel "Dead Souls"]. Gogolevedcheskie studii [Gogol studies]. 2001, issue 7, pp. 77–93.
  3. Vinogradov I. A. Neizvestnye avtografy N. V. Gogolya [The unknown autographs of N. V. Gogol]. Neizdannyy Gogol' [The unpublished Gogol]. Moscow, Nasledie Publ., 2001, pp. 3–38.
  4. Vinogradov I. A. «Neobyknovennyy nastavnik»: I. S. Orlay kak prototip odnogo iz geroev vtorogo toma «Mertvykh dush» [“An extraordinary mentor”: I. S. Orlay as a prototype of one of the heroes of the second volume of “Dead Souls”]. Novye gogolevedcheskie studii [New Gogol studies]. 2005, issue 2 (13), pp. 14–55.
  5. Vinogradov I. A. Gogol' i slavyanstvo (K probleme yazykovogo edinstva slavyan) [Gogol and slavdom (More on the problem of the linguistic unity of the Slavs]. Yazyk klassicheskoy literatury: doklady mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii [The language of classical literature. Reports of the International conference]. Мoscow, Krug Publ., 2007, vol. 1, pp. 5–24.
  6. Vinogradov I. A. Obretenie zhanra: Narodnaya pesnya i «Taras Bul'ba» Gogolya [Finding the genre: folk Song and Gogol's Taras Bulba]. N. V. Gogol' i narodnaya kul'tura: sed'mye Gogolevskie chteniya. Materialy dokladov i soobshcheniy Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii [Nikolai Gogol and popular culture: the seventh Gogol readings. The materials of reports of the international conference]. Мoscow, CheRo Publ., 2008, pp. 62–80.
  7. Vinogradov I. A. Gogol' o edinstve slavyan [Gogol about the unity of the Slavs]. Gogol' i traditsionnaya slavyanskaya kul'tura. Dvenadtsatye Gogolevskie chteniya [Gogol and traditional Slavic culture. The twelfth Gogol readings]. Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Publishing House, 2012, pp. 20–27.
  8. Vinogradov I. A. Spor K. S. Aksakova i V. G. Belinskogo: kul'turno-istoricheskie aspekty polemiki o zhanre «Mertvykh dush» [The discussion between К. S. Аksakov and V. G. Belinsky. Cultural and historical aspects of the controversy about the genre of “Dead Souls”]. Gogolevedcheskie studii [Gogol studies]. Nezhin, 2012, issue 2 (19), pp. 17–75.
  9. Vinogradov I. A. 1812 god i «Taras Bul'ba»: proshedshee i nastoyashchee v zamysle N. V. Gogolya [1812 and Taras Bulba: past and present according to the plot of Nikolai Gogol]. 1812 god i mirovaya literatura [1812 year and world literature]. Moscow, The Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2013, pp. 91–140.
  10. Lintur P. V. Vliyanie russkoy literatury na tvorchestvo zakarpatskikh pisateley XIX veka [The influence of Russian literature on work of arts of Western Carpathians writers of the 19th century]. Naukovi zapiski Uzhgorods'kogo derzhavnogo universitetu [Scientific notes of Uzhgorod university], 1956, vol. 20, pp. 131–146.
  11. Medrish D. N. Literatura i fol'klornaya traditsiya. Voprosy poetiki [Literature and folk tradition. The questions of poetics]. Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 1980. 175 p.