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16. Malygina N. M. Dialog geroev A. Platonova i F. Dostoevskogo [Dialogue of heroes of Andrei Platonov and Fyodor Dostoevsky]. Literatura v shkole [Literature in school], 1998, no. 7, pp. 48—57.

17. Spiridonova I. A. Khristianskie i antikhristianskie tendentsii tvorchestva Andreya Platonova 1910—1920 godov [Christian and anti-Christian trends in Andrei Platonov’s literary works during 1910—1920s]. Problemy istoricheskoy poetiki [The problems of historical poetics]. Petrozavodsk: Petrozavodsk State University Publ., 1994. Vol. 3: Evangel’skiy tekst v russkoy literature XVIII—XX vekov: tsitata, reministsentsiya, motiv, syuzhet, zhanr [The Gospel text in Russian Literature of the 18th—20th centuries: quotation, reminiscence, motive, plot, genre]. Issue 1, pp. 348—349.

18. Spiridonova I. A. Motiv sirotstva v «Chevengure» A. Platonova v svete khristianskoy traditsii [The orphanhood motif in Andrei Platonov’s Chevengur in the light of the Christian tradition]. Problemy istoricheskoy poetiki [The problems of historical poetics]. Petrozavodsk: Petrozavodsk State University Publ., 1998. Vol. 5: Evangel’skiy tekst v russkoy literature XVIII—XX vekov: tsitata, reministsentsiya, motiv, syuzhet, zhanr [The Gospel text in Russian Literature of the 18th—20th centuries: quotation, reminiscence, motive, plot, genre]. Issue 2, pp. 514—536.

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20. Spiridonova I. A. Tvorchestvo Andreya Platonova: problemy interpretatsii khudozhestvennogo teksta [Andrey Platonov’s Literary Works: Problems of a Literary Text Interpretation]. Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk State University Publ., 2012. 155 p.

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