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4. Belinskiy V. G. Hamlet, Shakespeare’s Drama. Mochalov in the Role of Hamlet. In: Belinskiy V. G. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy: v 13 tomakh [Belinsky V. G. The Complete Works: in 13 Vols]. Moscow, The Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 1953, vol. 2, pp. 253—345. (In Russ.)

5. Evgen’ev A. B. Pasternak’s Translations. In: Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary Review], 1939, no. 3, pp. 12—15. (In Russ.)

6. Marina Tsvetaeva, Boris Pasternak. Dushi nachinayut videt’. Pis’ma 1922—1936 godov [Marina Tsvetaeva, Boris Pasternak. Souls Begin to See. Letters of 1922—1936]. Moscow, Vagrius Publ., 2004. 719 p. (In Russ.)

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10. Pasternak B. The Anthology of English Poetry. In: Pasternak B. Ob iskusstve. «Okhrannaya gramota» i zametki o khudozhestvennom tvorchestve [Pasternak B. About Art. “Protection Letter” and Notes on Artistic Creativity]. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya literatura Publ., 1990. 575 p. (In Russ.)

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14. Perepiska Borisa Pasternaka [The Correspondence of Boris Pasternak]. Moscow, Khudozhestvennaya literatura Publ., 1990. 578 p. (In Russ.)

15. Rashkovskaya M. A., Shtevnina N. N. The Restoration of the Manuscript of Boris Pasternak’s Collection of Poems “My Sister is Life”: Maintenance of the Documentary Heritage and New Perspectives of Studying of the Poet’s Works. In: Virtual’nyy zhurnal «Vstrechi s proshlym» [Virtual Journal “Meetings with the Past”]. Available at:!page:1/o:210865187/p:1 (accessed on August 06, 2018). (In Russ.)

16. Senenko O. V. About the Shakespearean Genre Tradition in the Poem of B. Pasternak “Shakespeare”. In: Filologicheskie traditsii i sovremennoe literaturnoe obrazovanie. Sbornik nauchnykh dokladov [Philological Traditions and Modern Literary Education. Collection of Scientific Reports]. Moscow, Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute Publ., 2002, pp. 111—112. (In Russ.)

17. France A. K. Boris Pasternak’s Translations of Shakespeare. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, University of California Press Publ., 1978. 277 p. (In English)

18. Cherkashina M. V. Three Sonnets or the Only One? (From the History of Translations of Shakespeare, Pasternak and Bonnefoy). In: Novyy filologicheskiy vestnik [The New Philological Bulletin], 2016, no. 4 (39), pp. 137—148. (In Russ.)