Vladimir Zakharov

Vladimir Nikolaevich Zakharov is a Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Russian Literature and Journalism at Petrozavodsk State University. His research on fundamental, historical and literary problems of Russian literature, Dostoevsky’s creative work, text studies and information technologies in philological studies and education are highly praised in academic community. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the complete works of Dostoevsky with the author’s spelling and punctuation (published by Petrozavodsk State University Publishing house since 1995), "The Problems of Historical Poetics" (since 1990) and "The Problems of text studies of Dostoevsky’s works" (since 2009), electronic journal The Unknown Dostoevsky (since 2014). He is a member of the editorial boards  of a number of international and Russian scientific publications, the Honorary President of International Dostoevsky Society, the author of four monographs and over 300 scientific articles.


WoS Research ID: H-5281-2016
Scopus Author ID: 55236386400



In 1972 he graduated from the faculty of History and Philology at Petrozavodsk State University and began his career as a lecturer at PetrSU. In 1975 he defended his PhD thesis entitled "Fantasy in the aesthetics and creative work of F. M. Dostoevsky", and in 1988 - his doctoral thesis entitled "The System of Genres of Dostoevsky: typology and poetics". Since 1985 and up to the present time he has been the Head of the Department of Russian Literature and Journalism at PetrSU. Before 2001 he was the Dean of Philology at PetrSU. Since October 2001 he is a fellow of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation, then the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

Academic career

V. N. Zakharov is one of the most eminent contemporary specialists in Russian literature and F. M. Dostoevsky studies. His monographs and over 300 articles dedicated to certain aspects of history of Russian literature, literary theory, text studies, literary heritage of Dostoevsky were published in Russia, Bulgaria, Germany, China, Norway, the USA, Croatia and Japan.  


The scope of his research interests includes history of Russian literature, literary theory, historical poetics, ethnopoetics, text studies, Dostoevsky's creative work, information technologies in philological studies and education.


Based on the elaborated principles of text studies he publishes the complete works of Dostoevsky with the author’s spelling and punctuation which contain authentic texts of the great Russian writer, many of his unknown publications and texts (issued by Petrozavodsk State University publishing house since 1995).


In 2003-2005 the "Voskresenye" publishing house released the complete works of Dostoevsky in 18 volumes (20 books) edited by V. N. Zakharov.


He became the head of the “Petrozavodsk school” in exploring the Christian tradition in Russian literature, in national Dostoevsky studies and text studies. Thirteen PhD and Doctoral thesis were defended under the academic advisement of V. N. Zakharov.


V. N. Zakharov is a strong supporter of the introduction of Digital Humanities in philological research and education. In 1993 he founded a web-laboratory and a textological group at the Faculty of Philology of PetrSU. The researchers led by V. N. Zakharov are involved in publishing authentic texts of Russian writers. Projects on the creation of philological Internet resources are implemented on the basis of the laboratory (i.e., electronic publications of complete works of Russian literary classics, epistolary genre of Russian public cultural figures, concordances, and academic resources). The web-laboratory activity is an indispensable part of the educational process of the Faculty of Philology. The operating Internet-portal “Philolog.ru” contains a set of classical Russian texts that is in demand in higher and school education.


Studying the Christian tradition in Russian literature constitutesa significant part of professor Zakharov’s academic career. On his initiative, international conferences "Gospel text in Russian literature of the 18th-20th centuries: quote, reminiscence, motive, plot, genre" have been held at Petrozavodsk State University since 1993. The Conference proceedings are published in digests with the same title edited by V. N. Zakharov and since 1994 - in "The Problems of Historical Poetics" series.


Both academic and educational work of professor Zakharov is highly recognized in Russia and in foreign countries.


In 1998 in New York V.N. Zakharov was elected Vice President of International Dostoevsky Society by the General Assembly of the 10th Symposium of this community of researchers of the creative work of the Russian writer, and in July 2013 he became its president. 


He is the editor-in-chief of The Problems of Historical Poetics and The Unknown Dostoevsky journals and "The Problems of Text Studies of Dostoevsky’s Works" series, member of editorial committees and boards of the journals Bulletin of Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation, Knowledge. Comprehension. Competence, Bulletin of the Literary Institute, Bulletin of Petrozavodsk State University, and the International Dostoevsky Society's "Dostoevsky Monographs" series.


Participation in grants

  • a grant from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science under the program Novye istochnikovedcheskie i tekstologicheskie issledovaniya russkoy slovesnosti XIX-XX vekov [Innovative research on textual studies in 19th–20th centuries], no. 34.1126.

Selected bibliography

Bibliographic index of works of V. N. Zakharov

Vladimir Nikolaevich Zakharov: bibliographic index. — Petrozavodsk: Publishing house of Petrozavodsk State University, 2012. — 60 p. Available at : http://library.petrsu.ru/activity/zaharov.pdf


  1. The Problems of the Studies of Dostoevsky’s work : Tutorial. Petrozavodsk, PetrSU Publ., 1978. 110 p.
  2. The System of Genres of Dostoevsky : Typology and Poetics. Leningrad, Leningrad State University Publ., 1985. 209 p.
  3. The Problems of Historical Poetics : Ethnological Aspects. Moscow, Indrik Publ., 2012. 264 p. Available at: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23821518
  4. The Name of the Author is Dostoevsky. Essay on Creation. Moscow, Indrik Publ., 2013. 456 p. Available at:

The most important articles

1. “The Fly Was Flying, It Saw! Is this Possible?” The Problem of Omniscience of the Author and Mithopoetic Effect in Dostoevsky’s Novel “Crime and Punishment”. In: Mundo Eslavo, 2017, no. 16, pр. 333—342. Available at: http://mundoeslavo.com/index.php/meslav/article/view/262/237

2. Polemic Notes About N. N. Strakhov in the Workbooks of Dostoevsky. In: Russkaya literatura, 2017, no. 4, pp. 61—69.

3. A Slavophile Discovery of Dostoevsky. In: Gazeta «Rus’» 1880—1886 godov: kollektivnaya monografiya: v 2 chastyakh [The Newspaper “Rus” of of  the years 1880‑1886: A Collective Monograph: in 2 Parts], 2017, pp. 556—564.

4. What is Truth? In: Evangelie F. M. Dostoevskogo: v 3 tomakh [The Gospel by F. M. Dostoevsky: in 3 Vols]. Tobolsk, Obshchestvennyy blagotvoritel’nyy fond «Vozrozhdenie Tobol’ska» Publ., 2016, vol. 3: Testimonies. Criticism. Theology, pp. 9—16.

5. About the Fantastic: Axioms, Paradoxes, Problems. In: Problemy istoricheskoy poetiki [The Problems of Historical Poetics]. Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk State University Publ., 2016, issue 4: The Poetics of the Fantastic, pp. 7—25. Available at: http://poetica.pro/files/redaktor_pdf/1482751637.pdf

6. From the Forgotten Memoirs. P. Matveev About F. Dostoevsky, N. Strakhov, L. Tolstoy. In: Neizvestnyy Dostoevskiy [The Unknown Dostoevsky], 2016, no. 1, pp. 3—13. Available at: http://unknown-dostoevsky.ru/files/redaktor_pdf/1461750377.pdf

7. The Idea of Dostoevsky: Deeper Understanding of Russia as a Task of Learning. In: Neizvestnyy Dostoevskiy [The Unknown Dostoevsky], 2016, no. 3, pp. 3—13. Available at: http://unknown-dostoevsky.ru/files/redaktor_pdf/1477920447.pdf

8. Do We Have Literature? Concepts “Literature” and “Slovesnost’” in Russian Criticism. In: Problemy istoricheskoy poetiki [The Problems of Historical Poetics]. Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk State University Publ., 2016, issue 14: Analysis, Interpretations, Understanding, pp. 7—15. Available at: http://poetica.pro/files/redaktor_pdf/1482396216.pdf

9. Creativity as revealing the Word. Dostoevsky F. M. Complete Works : the Canonical Texts by F. M. Dostoevsky ; edited by V. N. Zakharov. Petrozavodsk : PetrSU Publ., 2015, vol. 11. 736 p. Text preparation by V. N. Zakharov, M. V. Zavarkina, V. S. Zinkova, T. V. Panyukova, A. I. Solopova (pp. 7—565); articles by V. N. Zakharov (pp. 566—576), I. A. Solopova (pp. 579—616); notes by V. N. Alyokin, V. N. Zakharov, T. G. Malchukova, A. V. Otlivanchik, T. V. Panyukova, N. A. Tarasova, B. N. Tikhomirov, N. L. Shilova (pp. 617—734).

10. Dostoiévski, escritor do século XXI. RUS. Revista de Literatura e Cultura Russa. Vol. 6, no. 6 (2015), pp. 3—12. Available at: http://www.revistas.usp.br/rus/article/view/108587

11. Who Presented the New Testament to Dostoevsky in January, 1850? TheUnknown Dostoevsky. 2015, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 44—53. Available at: http://unknown-dostoevsky.ru/files/redaktor_pdf/1447754621.pdf

12. Dostoevsky’s Code : Journalism as a Creative Idea of the Writer. Voprosy philosophii [The Questions of Philosophy]. 2014, no. 5, pp. 92—97. Available at : http://vphil.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=968&Itemid=52

13. Where did Dostoevsky’s archive of the 1840s disappear? Knowledge. Comprehension. Competence. 2014, no. 3, pp. 287—296. Available at : http://www.zpu-journal.ru/zpu/contents/2014/3/Zakharov_What-Happened-Dostoyevskys-Archive-1840/

14. “The Boldness of invention” in “A hero of our time” by Lermontov. The Problems of Historical Poetics. Petrozavodsk, PetrSU Publ., 2014. Vol. 12 : The Gospel text in Russian Literature of the 12th—21st Centuries : Quotation, Reminiscence, Motif, Plot, Genre. Issue 9. Pp. 18—33. Available at : http://poetica.pro/files/redaktor_pdf/1429705931.pdf

15. Zakharov V. N., Sobolev N. I., Alekseeva L. V., Sizyukhina K. V., Vyal E. N., Sosnovskaya O. A. The Concordances of Dostoevsky’s works. Chronicles of the Unified Fund of Electronic Resources “Science and Education”. 2014, vol. 1, issue 12 (67), p. 69. Available at : http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=22884438 

16. Dostoevsky’s poetic anthropology. The Problems of Historical Poetics. Petrozavodsk, PetrSU Publ., 2013. Vol. 11 : The Gospel text in Russian Literature of the 18th—20th Centuries : Quotation, Reminiscence, Motif, Plot, Genre. Issue 8. Pp. 150—164. Available at : http://poetica.pro/files/redaktor_pdf/1431455945.pdf

17. The poetics of chronotope in “Winter notes on summer impressions” by Dostoevsky. The Problems of Historical Poetics. Petrozavodsk, PetrSU Publ., 2013. Vol. 11 : TheGospel text in Russian Literature of the 18th—20th Centuries : Quotation, Reminiscence, Motif, Plot, Genre. Issue 8. Pp. 180—201. Available at : http://poetica.pro/files/redaktor_pdf/1431516399.pdf

18. Polemic as a dialogue : Dostoevsky in dispute with Tolstoy. The Problems of Historical Poetics. Petrozavodsk, PetrSU Publ., 2013. Vol. 11 : TheGospel text in Russian Literature of the 18th—20th Centuries : Quotation, Reminiscence, Motif, Plot, Genre. Issue 8. Pp. 242—255. Available at : http://poetica.pro/files/redaktor_pdf/1431516700.pdf

19. What is two times two? Or when the obvious is anything but in Dostoevsky’s poetics. Voprosy philosophii [The Question of Philosophy]. 2011, no. 4, pp. 109—114. Available at : http://vphil.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=308&Itemid=52

20. What is two times two? Or when the obvious is anything but in Dostoevsky’s poetics. Russian Studies in Philosophy. 2011, vol. 50, issue 3, pp. 24—33. Available at : http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.2753/RSP1061-1967500302

21. The Dostoevsky Syndrome. The New Russian Dostoevsky : Readings for the Twenty-First Century. Bloomington, IN : Slavica Publishers, 2010, pp. 9—24. Available at : http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23960164

22. An unknown letter by Dostoevsky. The New Russian Dostoevsky : Readings for the Twenty-First Century. Bloomington, IN : Slavica Publishers, 2010, pp. 43—46. Available at :  http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=2396015

23. The problem of genre in Bakhtin “School” (Mikhail Bakhtin, Pavel Medvedev, Valentin Voloshinov). Social sciences. 2008, vol. 39, issue 1, pp. 49—62. Available at : http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=20546369

24. The problem of Genre in Bakhtin “School” (M. M. Bakhtin, P. N. Medvedev, V. N. Voloshinov). Russkaya literatura [Russian literature]. 2007, no. 3, pp. 19—30. Available at : http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=9556406

25. The inmost of Dostoevsky and Fet : a nonrandom meeting of 1866. Translating culture : essays in honour of Erik Egeberg. Oslo : Solum Forlag, 2001, pp. 263—272.

26. Does Internet need textual criticism? Journal Graduate School of Letters. Sapporo : Hokkaido University, 2001, vol. 5, pp. 78—90.

27. Orthodoxy and Ethnopoetics of Russian Literature. Cultural discontinuity and reconstruction : the Byzanto-Slav heritage and the creation of a Russian national literature in the nineteenth century / ed. by Jostein Bortnes & Ingunn Lunde. Oslo : Solum forlag A/S, 1997, pp. 11—28. Ser. : Slavica Norvegica, IX.

28. Tenderness as the category of Dostoevsky’s poetics. Celebrating creativity : essays in honour of Jostein Bortnes / ed. by Knut Andreas Grimstad & Ingunn Lunde. Norway : University of Bergen Press, 1997, pp. 237—255.

29. “The Brothers Karamazov” : the metaphysics of text. „Die Brüder Karamasow” : Dostojeewskijs letzter roman in heutiger sicht : IX symposiums der Internationalen Dostojewskij-Gesellschaft. Dresden : Dresden univ. press, 1997, pp. 213—227.

30. Russian literature and Christianity. The Problems of Historical Poetics. Petrozavodsk, PetrSU Publ., 1994. Vol. 3 : The Gospel text in Russian Literature of the 18th—20th Centuries : Quotation, Reminiscence, Motif, Plot, Genre. Issue 1. Pp. 5—11. Available at : http://poetica.pro/journal/article.php?id=2370

31. Easter Story as a genre of Russian Literature. The Problems of Historical Poetics. Petrozavodsk, PetrSU Publ., 1994. Vol. 3 : The Gospel text in Russian Literature of the 18th—20th Centuries : Quotation, Reminiscence, Motif, Plot, Genre. Issue 1. Pp. 249—261. Available at : http://poetica.pro/journal/article.php?id=2403

32. Symbolism of the Christian calendar in Dostoevsky’s works. New aspects of studies of Dostoevsky’s works. Collection of research papers edited by Zakharov V. N. Petrozavodsk, PetrSU Publ., 1994, pp. 37—49.

33. A reader as the subject of narration in “The Brothers Karamazov”. Dostoevsky and Modern age : the 7th International Readings in Old Russian Culture, 1992. Proceedings. Novgorod, 1993, part 2, pp. 56—62.

34. Paradoxes of recognition : the problem of “Dostoevsky’s traditions” in the 20th century culture. Dostoevsky and the Twentieth Century. Ed. Malcolm V. Jones. Nottingham : Astra Press, 1993, pp. 19—35.

35. Dostoevsky and Shostakovich. Dostoevsky and Modern age : speaking notes of readings in Old Russian Culture. Novgorod, 1991, part 2, pp. 72—78.

36. The Motive of freedom in “The notes from the Underground” by F. M. Dostoevsky. Genre and composition of a literary work : interuniversity collection of papers. Edited by N. V. Zakharov. Petrozavodsk, 1989, pp. 107—110.

37. What did Dostoevsky reveal in “Poor Folk”. Dostoevsky and Modern age : speaking notes of readings in Old Russian Culture. Novgorod, 1989, pp. 37—41.

38. Has Dostoevsky got a positive character? Dostoevsky and Modern age : speaking notes of readings in Old Russian Culture. Novgorod, 1988, p. 45.

39. Conventionality and fiction : interaction between categories. Genre and composition of a literary work : interuniversity collection of papers. Edited by T. G. Malchukova. Petrozavodsk, PetrSU Publ., 1986, pp. 47—54.

40. On a myth about Dostoevsky. North. 1985, no. 11, pp. 113—120.

41. Disputes on genres. Genre and composition of a literary work. Edited by M. M. Gin. Petrozavodsk, 1984, pp. 3—19.

42. Word and italics in “Crime and Punishment”. The Russian language. 1979, no. 4, pp. 21—27.

43. The Concept of fiction in the aesthetics of Dostoevsky. An artistic image and historical consciousness : interuniversity collection of papers. Edited by I. P. Lupanova. Petrozavodsk, 1974, pp. 98—125.

Editor of the following titles

  1. Genre and composition of a literary work / Science editor, author. Petrozavodsk, 1988.
  2. Contemporary problems of method, poetics and genres of Russian literature / Science editor, author. Petrozavodsk, 1991.
  3. The new aspects of studies of Dostoevsky’s works : collection of articles. Petrozavodsk, PetrSU Publ., 1994. Available at : http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23912672 ; 
  4. Complete works of F. M. Dostoevsky : Canonical texts / Edited by V. N. Zakharov in original spelling and punctuation. Petrozavodsk, PetrSU Publ., 1995—2015, vol. I—IX,XI (being published).
  5. Shyults O. The cheerful Dostoevsky / Science editor, author. Petrozavodsk, PetrSU Publ., 1998.
  6. Complete works of F. M. Dostoevsky in 18 vol. / Author, text preparation. Moscow, Voskresen’e Publ., 2003—2005.
  7. The Problems of textual criticism of F. M. Dostoevsky. Petrozavodsk, PetrSU Publ., 2009—2012, issues 1—2. Available at: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23773904 ; http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=23774284
  8. The Uknown Dostoevsky : International electronic journal. Available at : http://unknown-dostoevsky.ru/info/page.php?id=1