Guide for Authors

Article requirements

Original research (scientific articles, reviews) and previously unpublished archival materials that correspond to the journal's scope are accepted for publication. By sending an article to the editorial office for the purpose of its publication, the author agrees to publish it on the conditions set forth on the journal's website. The author has exclusive copyright to the work being  transferred to the publisher, which contains all references to the cited authors and/or publications (materials) provided for by the current copyright legislation. Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions. The author guarantees that he has all the necessary permissions for the research results used in the work, as well as facts and other derived materials, to which he does not hold the copyright.

The editorial board and the editorial team reserve the right to make the final decision regarding the publication of the proposed texts and the right to make editorial changes in the text (after the author's approval) that do not distort the meaning of the article.


Authors have to register in the electronic system, download the article (in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format) and send it to the journal editorial board (see "Upload article"). Articles can be sent to the publisher's email (for Andrianova Irina, head of editorial board).


An article formatted according to the requirements of the publication is registered in the editorial office, checked for plagiarism and compliance with the profile of the journal. It is subsequently sent out for reviewing.


Issues are compiled in accordance with the date of registration of the reviewed articles. The article may be published out of turn only by the decision of the editor-in-chief.


Research articles may be submitted to the editorial board throughout the year.


The edited version of the article is published in the next issue of the journal, is also published on the journal website, in the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU and is registered in the International Citation Indexes.

Royalties are not paid out to the article authors. Publication of the articles is free.

Technical requirements


As a time-saving measure, authors are asked to follow technical requirements for article formatting. Papers that do not meet these requirements will be declined.


The article should be drafted in MS Word (.doc or .rtf format). The original article should contain a maximum of 40,000 characters, including spaces (including abstract, keywords, list of references - in Russian and English). Larger articles are accepted by the appoval of editorial board.


Font: Times New Roman, 14 points for article text and 12 points for abstract, keywords, notes, reference list;

Page margins: top, bottom and right  - 2 cm, left - 3 cm;

Paragraph indent: 0.5 cm;

Line interval: 1.5 spacing for article text, notes, reference list; 1.0 spacing for abstract and key words;

Page numbering: on the bottom right corner of the page.

Article structure


Research article presented for publication should contain typical elements in the Russian and English languages.

The following elements of the article are compulsory:

  1. Title of the article: lowercase, bold, centered. Russian and English versions.
  2. Information on authors (full name(s), surname, patronymic, academic degree and title, place of work and position – the name of organization, address including town and country, and the author’s e-mai and ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID, if available) is placed in the top right corner of the page. Both Russian and English versions should be presented (author’s name(s) and surname(s) should be transliterated; the name of the organization should correspond to its’ official English name).
  3. Abstract (between 180 and 250 words, including prepositions, conjunctions and particles). A brief summary of the scholarly article should be presented in the Russian and English languages.


* The abstract should be written in an informative and clear manner. It should represent the subject of research and the variety of  information used in the article, reveal the main results and make conclusions.  The abstract must be written in the past tense and should not contain quotations. The authors should avoid abbreviations. The structure of the abstract should repeat the structure of the article, including the introduction, aims and tasks, methodology, results and conclusions. However, its subject, theme and aim are indicated if they cannot be deduced from the title of the article; it’s advisable to describe the methods or methodology of the paper if they are innovative or may be interesting with regard to the article. Results of the research should be described in a precise and informative way. Information contained in the article title should not be duplicated in the abstract. Unnecessary phrases and insignificant details should be omitted. Historical background, if it is not the object of research itself, references to previous research and commonly known ideas should not be included in the abstract. Syntax typical for technical and scientific documents should be used, and complex grammar constructions should be removed. The abstract targets competent readers, even those from foreign countries, thus, the usage of professional terminology is allowed. Coherence of the abstract should be attained by the use of the rules of logic and linking words, i.e., "consequently", "moreover", "for example", "the benefits of this study", "as a result" etc.; an idea should logically develop from the previous one. Passive voice constructions should be replaced with active voice ("The study tested", not "It was tested in this study").


4. Keywords (or phrases) should number from 10 to 15 and be separated by commas in Russian and English versions.


*Keywords are the concepts, terms and names that convey the core meaning in the text and have alternatives in other languages. Keywords should reflect the main content of the article and if possible, should not duplicate the terms contained in the titles and abstract. The concepts, terms and names from the text of the article can be used to facilitate and increase the chance of finding the article through the information retrieval system.  


5. The text of the article and quotations should be carefully checked by authors and contain references to the original sources indicating page number and the year of publication.


6. Notes (references to archival and other sources, collected works, information materials) should be made in the form of endnotes.

7. In case of necessity, references to fiction books and other sources are provided in the body of the article in round brackets by indicating the page number (142), or volume and page number separated by a comma (7, 142).


8. References to research materials should be provided in the body of the article in square brackets: number in the reference list and cited page separated by a comma [2, 55]. References to the books of the Holy Scriptures should be written in accordance with  the convention, i.e.: (1 Corinthians 2:10).


9. Reference list.

  • Must include at least 15 sources on the research topic; sources in foreign languages are desirable.
  • NB! Quotation and inclusion of critical studies conducted in the last five years, in the reference list is mandatory. The editorial board highly recommends that the authors include general analysis of scientific literature on the research topic in the article.
  • Must be submitted in Russian in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drafting.” The literature cited in the article (author, title, place, publisher, year of publication and pages "from and to" or the total number) is provided in alphabetical order, first domestic, then foreign authors.
  • Works by the same author are arranged chronologically - by year of publication, from earlier to later works.
  • The list of references should include only peer-reviewed sources (articles from scientific journals and monographs) used in the text of the article. If you need to refer to an article in a socio-political newspaper, a text on a website, explanatory dictionaries, then information about the source should be placed in a footnote.
  • References to articles accepted for publication, but not yet published, should be marked with the words "in press." Authors must obtain written permission to link to such documents and confirm that they have been accepted for publication.
  • References to dissertation abstracts and their inclusion in the bibliography are not recommended.
  • When describing a source, its DOI should be indicated if it can be found.
  • Links must be verified, output data checked on the official website of journals and/or publishers.


10. References - a combination of English and transliterated parts of Russian references.

* When transliterating, you must use the BGN (Board of Geographic Names) system!


The list of references in Latin characters is provided in a separate block, repeating the list of references for the Russian-language part, regardless of whether it contains foreign sources or not. If the list contains links to foreign publications, they are completely repeated in the list in Latin characters.


Bibliographic descriptions of Russian publications are compiled in the following order:

• author’s surname, initials (transliteration);

• title of the article in transliterated version;

• [translation of the article title into English in square brackets];

• the name of the Russian-language source (transliteration) in italics;

• [translation of the source title into English in italics in square brackets];

• imprint: place of publication in English (Moscow, St. Petersburg); publishing house in English, if it is an organization (Moscow St. Univ. Publ.), and transliteration, if the publishing house has its own name indicating in English that this is a publishing house: GEOTAR-Media Publ., Nauka Publ.

NB! The name of the source in transliterated and translated English versions is in italics. Square brackets are NOT italicized.

• Examples of bibliographic descriptions of Russian-language publications (References)

Book Description:

• Pashkov A. M. Kareliya i Solovki glazami literatorov pushkinskoy epokhi [Karelia and Solovetsk Monastery from the Viewpoint of Literary Man of Pushkin's Times]. Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk State University Publ., 2000. 176 p. (In Russ.)

Description of the article from the magazine (periodical):

• Nepomnyashchiy V. Notes About Pushkin's Fairy Tales. In: Question literature, 1972, no. 3, pp. 124–151. (In Russ.)

Description of the article from the electronic journal:

• Tikhomirov B. N. The Addresses of Dostoevsky in St. Petersburg. In: Neizvestnyy Dostoevskiy [The Unknown Dostoevsky], 2015, no 1. Available at: (accessed on February 7, 2011 (In Russ.)

Description of conference materials:

• Koshelev V. A. That's a Mystery That We Seem to Have Solved: "Pushkin Speech" of Shmelev 1937 Year. In: I. S. Shmelev i literaturnyy protsess XX–XXI vekov: Itogi, problemy, perspektivy. Materialy X Krymskikh Mezhdunarodnykh Shmelevskikh chteniy [I. S. Shmelev and Literary Process of the 20th–21th Centuries: Results, Problems and Prospects. Proc. 10th Crimean Chmielewski International Reading]. Moscow, 2004, pp. 11–18.

Description of Internet resources:

• Pravila tsitirovaniya istochnikov [Rules for the Citing of Sources]. Available at: (accessed on February 7, 2011).

Dissertation Description:

• Sklemina S. M. "Neupivaemaya Chasha" I. S. Shmeleva: poetika zhanra i traditsii russkoy klassiki XIX century: dis. ... cand. filol. nauk [Ivan Shmelev's "The Inexhaustible Cup": Poetics of the Genre and Traditions of Russian Classical of the 19th Century. PhD. philol. sci. diss.]. Moscow, 2007. 154 p. (In Russ.)