Zakharov V. N. |
Historical poetics and its category
This article describes the history of the concept and the concept of the poetics of historical poetics in Russian literary studies, clarified the meaning of terms, corrected the erroneous interpretation of the plot and story. Keywords: concepts of poetics, story, plot, genre, category system of historical poetics Text (russian) Views: 3478; Downloads: 188; |
Dvoretsky A. V. |
The categories of verse and prose in the system of genres of Belinsky
The article represents the typology of genus of poetry in the criticism of Belinsky, it describes the features of its terminological definitions. Keywords: Belinsky, genre system, verse, prose, genus, typology Text (russian) Views: 3139; Downloads: 51; |
Malchukova T. G. |
The concept of anthological genre of V. Belinsky
The article represents the typology of genus of poetry in the criticism of Belinsky, it describes the features of its terminological definitions. Keywords: Belinsky, anthological genus, anthological epigram Text (russian) Views: 3123; Downloads: 45; |
Falikova N. E. |
Chronotope as a сategory of historical poetics
The article is devoted to history of formation of the category chronotope. It considers a philosophical content of the concept space-time and the development of representations about space and time in natural sciences as well as the influence of Einstein's theory of relativity on literary criticism. The article is focused on the theory of chronotope proposed by Bakhtin. Keywords: chronotope, artistic time and space, historical poetics, Bakhtin, the point of view, genre typology, A. Einstein, the theory of relativity Text (russian) Views: 3335; Downloads: 87; |
Neyolov E. M. |
Fantasy world as a category of historical poetics (article nr 2: the problem of boundaries)
The article considers the role of historical tradition in the creation of fantasy world by the writer. Particular attention is focused on the folk elements of tradition. The article analyzes such features of the fantasy world as insularity and closeness. The author enters into a controversy with the theory of fiction crisis. Keywords: folk tale, fantasy world, historical tradition Text (russian) Views: 3085; Downloads: 67; |
Komleva G. A. |
Spatial composition of folk tales
The author makes a comparative analysis of the typology of texts fabulous XIX-XX centuries, which allows not only to identify the structure of the later stories, but also to refine the construction of an earlier, of Afanasiev. Keywords: folk tale, structure, story Text (russian) Views: 3080; Downloads: 56; |
Zakharova O. V. |
Poetics epic story Dobrynya and the Serpent in the epic tradition of Ryabinins-Andreevs
The article analyzes undertaken poetics of the epic story Dobrynya and the Serpent in an epic dynasty the Ryabinin-Andreev. Analysis of the poetics of the plot shows that the motif is the basic category explaining the preservation and development of the epic tradition. Keywords: bylina, poetics of plot, motif, epic tradition, Dobrynya and the Serpent text (russian) Text (russian) Views: 3099; Downloads: 55; |
Gene Y. I. |
Poetics of grammatical category of person in the Russian lyrics
The subject of the study in this article is a grammatical category of person in the Russian lyrics of XXth century. Keywords: grammatical category of person, the Russian lyrics Text (russian) Views: 2995; Downloads: 43; |
Smirnov A. A. |
On two romantic conceptions of time (Pushkin, Fet)
The author compares two treatments of the problem of time in lyrical systems of Pushkin and Fet. Keywords: A. Pushkin, A. Fet, lyrical image Text (russian) Views: 2946; Downloads: 50; |
Suzy V. N. |
The principle of double existence in the poetry of F. Tyutchev
The article considers the principle of double existence in the poetry of F. Tyutchev. This principle is dominant in Tyutchev's romantic poetics and reflects the presence of not only the spiritual and the corporeal, but ellenistic and ellenist beginning in his lyrics. Keywords: Tyutchev, romantic poetics, ellenistic, сhristianity, tradition, double-genesis Text (russian) Views: 3011; Downloads: 57; |
Starygina N. N. |
Christmas story as a genre
This article analyzes the uniqueness of Christmas story as a literary genre. Keywords: genre, Christmas story, literature of the XIXth century Text (russian) Views: 3551; Downloads: 106; |
Pighin A. V. |
The myth and the legend in work of N.S. Leskov (the story White Eagle)
The subject of the study is the story of N. Leskov "White Eagle" (1880), part of the cycle Christmas stories. The author sets the text of a series of mythological Leskov oppositions relevant to the Yule semantics: a demon - an angel, a mortal man - the immortal God, Christ, the earth - heaven. Much attention is paid to the image of an eagle in ancient and Christian traditions (eagle - bird of the gods, a symbol of resurrection and spiritual renewal, etc.). The researcher interprets the story as a story of Leskov's how high the Christmas theme of overcoming death, vestments corruptible man in imperishable deity profaned turns hoax, fussing around the order. Keywords: Christmas story, mythology, literature, Christian symbols of an eagle, the theme of the bureaucracy Text (russian) Views: 3010; Downloads: 60; |
Vladimirtsev V. P. |
The motif of hot-burning heart of Dostoevsky (in the fields of historical poetics, cultural studies and ethnography)
This article considers the theme of hot-burning heart as a generic feature of Dostoyevsky's characters, a sign of their social, psychological, literary and artistic community. Keywords: Dostoevsky, the motive, the metaphor of warm heart Text (russian) Views: 2947; Downloads: 49; |
Tarlanov E. Z. |
The motif of poetry-sleep in the lyrics of K. Fofanov
This article proves that the motif of poetry-sleep, characterizing the neo-romanticism of Fofanov, has a conceptual-aesthetic value and interacts closely with strong impressionistic tendencies of his poetics. It has defined a historic place of the writer between gold and silver age of Russian poetry. Keywords: poetry of gold and silver ages, K. Fofanov, poetry-sleep motif Text (russian) Views: 3059; Downloads: 38; |
Karakan T. A. |
On the genre of utopia and dystopia
The article deals with the definition of the genre of the novel E. Zamyatin's We. Philosophical concepts of communication utopia and dystopia is shown at the level of the novel's structure: the story line of the hero, the image of the Green Wall, the emotional background of the narrative. The author concludes that the genre of the novel We is complex and includes features of both utopia and dystopia. Keywords: utopia, dystopia, E. Zamyatin, Green Wall Text (russian) Views: 2994; Downloads: 57; |