Volume 17, 2019 year

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Volkova T. F.
The Narrative Structure of the “Kazan Chronicle”

Views: 1903; Downloads: 74;
Zhilina N. P.
The Idea of Salvation in Ryleev’s Narrative Poem “Vladimir the Saint”

Views: 1881; Downloads: 45;
Koshelev V. A.
More on the Poetics of Paradox: Baron Brambeus as a “Harbinger of Dostoevsky”

Views: 1857; Downloads: 54;
Tikhomirov B. N.
The Poems “The Missive of Belinsky to Dostoevsky”: Results and Problems of the Study

Views: 1811; Downloads: 67;
Aloe S.
“These Are Not Only Poems…”: Some Marginal Notes in the Letter of F. M. Dostoevsky to A. N. Maikov, Dated on May 15 (27), 1869

Views: 1905; Downloads: 48;
Borisova V. V., Shaulov S. S.
The Motif of the “Fateful Inheritance” in “The Idiot” by F. M. Dostoevsky: a Real, Mythopoetic and Historico-Literary Commentary

Views: 1981; Downloads: 78;
Gabdullina V. I.
The Manuscript of Ippolit Terentyev in the Novel “The Idiot” by F. M. Dostoevsky: Genre and Narrative Strategies

Views: 1945; Downloads: 61;
Tarasova N. A.
The Problems of the Preparation of a Historical (“Real”) Commentary (Based on Dostoevsky’s Novel “The Idiot”)

Views: 1843; Downloads: 61;
Fedorova E. A.
The Author and the Hero in the Poetics of F. M. Dostoevsky’s Novel “The Idiot”

Views: 2345; Downloads: 70;
Starygina N. N.
The Feast of Easter as a Socio-Cultural Text in the Story “Figura” (“Figure”) of N. S. Leskov

Views: 1936; Downloads: 71;
Gracheva A. M.
Origins and Evolution of the “Theory of a Core Mode of the Russian Literary Style” by Alexei Remizov (1900s—1920s)

Views: 1834; Downloads: 60;
Rozanov Y. V.
Velimir Khlebnikov and Alexei Remizov: Biographic and Creative Ties

Views: 1850; Downloads: 49;