Zakharov V. N. |
Orthodox aspects of Russian literature ethnopoetics
The article describes Christian foundations of Russian literature poetics, its ideal and ideas, as well as pecularity of its religious and national content, and categories of its ethnopoetics. Keywords: Literature, Christianity, Orthodoxy, etnopoetika, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Bunin, Pasternak, calling Varangians, commission, order, baptism, the Gospel, the law, the grace, the Christian chronotope, Christmas, Easter, Transfiguration, humanism, mercy, ideal Text (russian) Views: 3256; Downloads: 217; |
Schoultz O. |
Russian Christ
The article deals with the identity of Russian Christ and the most typical characteristics of the best compositions of the greatest Russian writers from the Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s point of view. It also tells about Dostoyevsky’s mentors. Keywords: Russian literature, Christianity, Orthodoxy, "Russian Christ" Text (russian) Views: 2639; Downloads: 85; |
Esaulov I. A. |
The problem of visual dominant in Russian literature
The article defines the problem of the visual dominance of Russian culture as a whole. It analyzes critical assessments of Western revivalist culture by Russian philosophers of the XX century, which are consistent with the criticism of visual art illusionism, corresponding to the subjectivism of an early modern era man. The author comes to a conclusion that the iconicity principle, originating from the concept of an icon (i.e., the Foretype), is the dominant idea of Russian literature. Keywords: cultural identity, dominant, system features, iconicity, illusionism Text (russian) Views: 2765; Downloads: 45; |
Gini D. |
On the problem of Russian figure
The article analyzes the idea of figurative within the reference system, ranging from biblical exegesis to living prototypes, using the comparative analysis of Dante's Divine Comedy and Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel The Brothers Karamazov. Keywords: exegesis, figure, Russian literature, Dostoyevsky, Pasternak Text (russian) Views: 2507; Downloads: 41; |
Neyolov E. M. |
Fairy tale and hagiography
The article analyzes religion and similarities between folk fairy tales and hagiography, as well as the reasons for their similarity and its influence on literature. Keywords: folk fairy tale, hagiography, miracle Text (russian) Views: 2554; Downloads: 48; |
Romodanovskaya E. K. |
Distinguishing features of parable genre in Old Russian literature
The article deals with the origin of a parable and its genre variety, and tries to answer the question whether a parable is a paroemia (i.e., an aphoristic text) or something else. This distinction is important, because you can see the narrowness or duality of parable genre definition, due to the fact that this term incorporates different texts. Keywords: Russian literature, scripture, parable, fable, allegory, aphorism Text (russian) Views: 2727; Downloads: 52; |
Krinichnaya N. A. |
The Mother of all grass… (folklore and ethnographic commentary on the image of Plakun-Trava (willowherb) in Alexander Block’s and Nikolai Klyuev’s poetry)
The article presents a comparative analysis of the image of Plakun-Trava (willowherb), which is a sacred sign and symbol of Alexander Blok’s and Nikolai Klyuev's poetry. The image of Plakun-Trava (willowherb) is analyzed within the context of folklore, ethnographic and religious traditions. Keywords: folklore, image, paganism, Christianity, reminiscence, A. Block, N. Klyuev Text (russian) Views: 2551; Downloads: 29; |
Pighin A. V. |
Old Russian legend about the penitent Devil (the study of apocatastasis concept)
The article is aimed at analyzing a common (wandering) plot about the Devil’s confession in Old Russian literature. It focuses on Story about Demon Zerefer, which was translated from Greek and into Old Russian patericons and Dmitry Rostovsky’s Hagiography book. The article traces the literary history of this literary monument in the hand-written tradition from the end of the XIV to the XVII centuries. It also analyzes stories from The Great Mirror story collection and other written and oral versions of the legend, as well as the connection of the plot with the theological study of apocatastasis (general recovery at the end times), which was developed in ancient times by Origen and Gregory of Nyssa. Keywords: medieval legend, stray subject, repentance of the devil, the refraction of theological ideas in the legend Text (russian) Views: 2561; Downloads: 38; |
Bashkirov D. L. |
Gavrila Derzhavin’s Ode to God
The article examines Gavrila Derzhavine’s Ode to God in light of similarity between the author’s creative thinking and Byzantine theology traditions. The article identifies direct correlations between Derzhavine’s images and those found in the works of the Church Fathers, which is stipulated by the uniformity of the spiritual path to God which is revealed to Gavrila Derzhavin. Keywords: God, theology, Fathers of the Church, rise, revelation, ode, Russian literature Text (russian) Views: 2443; Downloads: 40; |
Malchukova T. G. |
Pushkin’s lyric (1820) towards Church Slavonic tradition. (and interpretation of poem Memory and Prophet in context of Christian culture.)
Пушкинские стихотворения «Воспоминание» и « Пророк» рассматриваются в контексте христианской культуры. Проясняются их библейские источники и посредствующее евангельское их понимание в качестве таинства покаяния и причащения, а также в писаниях Отцов Церкви. Keywords: Pushkin's lyric, "Memory", "Prophet", context of Christian culture Text (russian) Views: 2776; Downloads: 50; |
Kanunova F. Z. |
Opposition of Christianity and napoleonism in Russian literature of 1830 — 1850’s and some methodological problems of its research (Vasily Zhukovsky, Gavriil Batenkov and Nikolai Gogol)
The article focuses on two major issues: 1) the role of religion in the social and historical conceptual approach of Vasily Zhukovsky and his followers in Russian literature of 1830 — 1850’s; and 2) some methodological, genre and stylistic problems of Russian literature. Keywords: Christianity, Romanticism, napoleonizm, V.A. Zhukovsky, G.S. Batenkov, Nikolai Gogol Text (russian) Views: 2516; Downloads: 29; |
Esaulov I. A. |
Revolutionary democratic mythology as the basis of Soviet period of Russian literature history
The article investigates the crisis of studying Russian literature, and explores its origins which originate from the revolutionary democratic mythology. The article identifies religious basis for this mythology, which make it stand in marked contrast with the Christian worldview. The author traces similarity between the Soviet period of Russian literature history and the revolutionary democratic criticism, and highlights their common denominator — the European leftist myth confronting the Christian tradition. Keywords: axiology, "reactionary", "progressive", literary critic, left myth Text (russian) Views: 2534; Downloads: 37; |
Starygina N. N. |
Demonic signs in an anti-nihilistic novel as an expression of the author’s values and worldview
The article is aimed at organizing the symbolic expression plane of the anti-nihilistic Nikolai Leskov’s novel At Daggers Drawn, which polemically expresses the author’s point of view concerning Russian nihilism. Depicting his nihilistic characters Nikolai Leskov uses signs of evil spirit in motif complexes, anthroponyms, portraits, and descriptions of nihilistic characters consciousness and behavior. Demonic symbols of the anti-nihilistic novel allows the author to analyze it in the context of religious and philosophy dispute about a man, which was relevant for the second half of the XIX century. Keywords: antinihilist novel, poetics of the genre, demonic, N.S. Leskov, Dostoevsky, Vs. Krestovskiy, B.M. Markevich Text (russian) Views: 3047; Downloads: 34; |
Milevskaya N. I. |
The motif of confession in Mikhail Lermontov’s early works
The article examines Mikhail Lermontov’s early works: his poems The Spaniards, "A Strange Man", "The Confession", as well as a series of poems Death and Night (1830 — 1831). Furthermore, the article deals with the questions of faith, which were of crucial importance for the poet. Keywords: Lermontov, religious, repentance, doubt, denial Text (russian) Views: 2755; Downloads: 34; |
Vinogradov I. A., Voropaev A. V. |
Nicolai Gogol’s Pencil marks and notes in his Slavonic Bible published in 1820
The article presents marks and marginal notes made by Nicolai Gogol in his Bible, which he later gave to his sister, Anna Gogol, as a present (this Bible is currently stored in the Russian Literature Institute (the Pushkin House) in Saint-Petersburg). Gogol’s pencil marks and notes supposedly date back to 1844 — 1845, when he lived abroad. Keywords: The Bible, Gogol, pencil marks Text (russian) Views: 2707; Downloads: 42; |
Egeberg E. |
Biblical motifs in Afanasy Fet’s lyric poetry
One of this article’s key objectives is to identify the role of religious motifs in the Afanasy Fet’s lyric poetry, which is seen as an object of art, rather than as the evidence of Fet’s personal worldview or statements about religion. Keywords: Christianity, religion, poetry, A.A. Fet Text (russian) Views: 2905; Downloads: 45; |
Veresov D. A. |
Concept of evangelic word in Fyodor Tyutchev’s poetics (formulation of the problem)
The article analyses Fyodor Tyutchev’s conception of word which, on the one hand, is directly connected with Tyutchev’s poetics and its genesis, and, on the other hand, is the only right reflection of his worldviews, including the religious one. Keywords: Tyutchev, gospel, gospel Word, quote Text (russian) Views: 2979; Downloads: 31; |
Zhilyakova E. M. |
E.M. Christian motifs and images in Nikolay Nekrasov’s works (1830 — 1850’s)
The article analyzes Nikolay Nekrasov’s early poetics focused on the traditional romantic problem of person’s self-identification. The author puts the problem of a person’s soul within the philosophical and religious contexts on the forefront and analyzes this problem in Nekrasov’s early poetry in the context of his main dichotomies: flesh and soul, man and God, heaven and earth. Keywords: Nekrasov, Christian themes, God, Christ, poem, Silence Text (russian) Views: 3080; Downloads: 41; |
Zakharova O. V. |
Ilya Muromets: Heroic Tale of Kievan Rus by Vladimir Dal (the problem of the genre)
The article analyzes the problem of genre attribution of Vladimir Dal’s Ilya Muromets: Heroic Tale of Kievan Rus. The genre of the story not only represents the interaction of such different genres as fairy tale, bylina (Russian heroic poem), tale, hagiography, but also creates the plot which expresses the Christian chronotope, since all the events of the tale happen during Easter. Keywords: genre, tale, bylina, novel, vita (hagiography), Easter story, Christian chronotop Text (russian) Views: 3205; Downloads: 47; |
Tarasov K. G. |
Easter motifs in Vladimir Dal’s works
The article is devoted to those Vladimir Dal’s works which contain artistic presentation of church holidays, in particular Easter holidays with Easter Sunday being the most important of them. The author analyzes The Scenes of Russian Everyday Life series (Great-grandfather’s White Willows, I’ll Choke to Death but Won’t Say a Word, Holy Day), physiological sketches (Russian Muzhik, Saint Petersburg House Yard), and books for children (Little Fool). Keywords: Easter story, collegiality, folk literature Text (russian) Views: 2752; Downloads: 42; |
Shkarlat S. N. |
Fyodor Dostoyevsky's translation of Honoré de Balzac’s novel Eugenie Grandet
The article is devoted to the first literary experience of Dostoyevsky as a translator of the novel Eugenie Grandet written by Balzac .The author compares the text of the translation with the original and analyses semantic and ideological nuances which reveal the views and personality of the translator, the future great Russian writer. Keywords: Balzac, Dostoevsky, Eugenie Grandet, Catholicism, French, Russian translation Text (russian) Views: 2952; Downloads: 45; |
Vladimirtsev V. P. |
Animals in Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s poetology: folk and Christian bestiary tale
The most typical feature of Dostoyevsky’s poetry is a device of art zoomorphic nominal attestation, zoosemiotic codes and Stavros. A word with bestiary functions and origin is used by Dostoyevsky in speeches of his characters as Christian poetic source of determination of pious and sinful people’s essence. Keywords: paganism, christianity, bestiary, Dostoevsky, poetics, poetic nomination Text (russian) Views: 2688; Downloads: 37; |
Ivanov V. V. |
Hesychasm and poetics of inarticulation in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s works
The article interprets the phenomenon of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s heroes inarticulation as the struggle between moral poles, as well as the combination of Hesykhia and Foolishness-for-Christ gesture culture. The author raises a very important question about the correlation between two types of inarticulation — when Devil holds one’s tongue, and when a righteous man or God’s fool silence is the God's word unspoken. Keywords: Logos, Hesychasm, tongue-tied, eloquence, Dostoevsky Text (russian) Views: 2676; Downloads: 43; |
Ollivier S. |
Dostoyevsky and Chateaubriand
The article analyses similarities between Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand: the initial value of aesthetics in human personality development, the theory of perfect beauty; the concept of a perfect hero, and the veneration of graves. It also deals with the question of Chateaubriand’s influence upon Dostoyevsky. Keywords: Christianity, Chateaubriand, Génie du Christianisme, Dostoevsky, R. L. Jackson Text (russian) Views: 2805; Downloads: 34; |
Dudkin V. V. |
Dostoevsky and The Gospel of John
Fyodor Dostoevsky’s notions of the image of an idea prompts the author of the article to show how the ideas of The Gospel of John transformed into images and poetics of Dostoevsky. Keywords: The Gospel of John, incarnate Word, divine Logos, The Teachings of Christ, grace, tragedy, scandal Text (russian) Views: 2905; Downloads: 86; |
Esaulov I. A. |
Easter archetype in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s poetics
The article suggests a hypothesis that the most important problems of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s poetics can be analyzed through the context of Orthodox liturgy structural features, because it focuses on Christ’s Resurrection, rather than Christmas. The author analyzes key elements of Dostoyevsky’s poetics relying upon European hermeneutical tradition and introduces a special term Easter archetype. Keywords: liturgy, archetype, understanding, text and context, "prejudice", tradition and legend Text (russian) Views: 2901; Downloads: 97; |
Thompson D. O. |
Problems of conscience in the novel Crime and punishment
Conscience as a dialog about eternal moral values; the new word that entitles a person to committing a crime; and the new history of the New Testament are analyzed within the context of Christian tradition. Keywords: Gospel, Dostoevsky, crime, punishment, conscience, evil, good Text (russian) Views: 2764; Downloads: 54; |
Müller L. |
Image of Christ in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel The Idiot
The article deals with the image of Christ as an axiological criterion for Dostoevsky. Jesus and great sinner, Hans Holbein the Younger’s picture Dead Christ, and a dog as a symbol of Christ - these are the author’s postulates. Keywords: Dostoevsky, Christ, The Idiot, Myshkin, Hippolyte Terentev Text (russian) Views: 2646; Downloads: 63; |
Egeberg E. F. |
Fyodor Dostoevsky in search of an absolutely superior human: The Village of Stepanchikovo and The Idiot
The author retrospectively analyzes the image of the main character in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novels The Village of Stepanchikovo and The Idiot Keywords: Dostoevsky, "The village of Stepanchikovo", The Idiot, the positive and the perfect hero Text (russian) Views: 2701; Downloads: 45; |
Kunilsky A. E. |
The study of Christian context in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel The Idiot
The article examines issues, related to understanding the meaning of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel The Idiot, and the image of its central character. The ongoing disputes around this issue make this article particularly interesting. The author indicates that the interpretation of Prince Myshkin’s image and the whole novel can not be adequate without Christian context, its specific cultural and psychological values, and the meaning of the word idiot (layman). Keywords: Dostoevsky's work, Christian context, Christianity and paganism, Prince Myshkin, layman Text (russian) Views: 2854; Downloads: 66; |
Bortnes J. |
"Christ the Father: styding the problem of contrasting father in blood and father at law in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel The Adolescent
This article brings up the problem of fathers and sons, which is analyzed in light of the Christian tradition, and presents the chronotopic development of of the protagonist's father image. Keywords: Christ, Dostoevsky, The Adolescent, Versilov, Makar Dolgoruky, Arkady, The Brothers Karamazov Text (russian) Views: 2842; Downloads: 47; |
Lunde I. |
From the idea to the ideal: the study of one symbol in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel The Adolescent
The aim of the article is to study the role of one symbol in a transient process, which is the symbol of sun, characteristic of all Dostoevsky's works. The author examines the symbol of sun in connection with duality principle (i.e., the comparison of contrast elements), which is also quite typical for Dostoevsky. Keywords: Dostoevsky, The Adolescent, Christ, the symbol of the sun, a ray of sunshine, sunset, idea of the hero, ideal Text (russian) Views: 2861; Downloads: 40; |
Zograb I. |
The study of one intertext in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel The Brothers Karamazov
The article investigates correlations between Dean Stanley’s books and sermons and Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel The Brothers Karamazov. Keywords: Dostoevsky, Arthur P. Stanley, Grazhdanin, The Citizen, The Brothers Karamazov Text (russian) Views: 2704; Downloads: 57; |
Muller de Morogues I. |
Martha and Maria: the image of an ideal woman in Nikolai Leskov’s works
The article traces the connection between a system of female characters in Nikolai Leskov’s works and female images of the Bible, draws a conclusion about special meaning of evangelic images of Maria and Martha in Leskov’s interpretation of an ideal woman, and the artistic rethinking of these images in Leskov’s works of various years. Keywords: N.S.Leskov, gospel, Martha, Maria, positive and ideal female characters Text (russian) Views: 2525; Downloads: 36; |
Grimstad K. A. |
Polyethnicity as religious problem in Nikolai Leskov’s short novel The Enchanted Wanderer
This article examines religious and national aspects of problematics in Nikolai Leskov’s short novel The Enchanted Wanderer, traces collisions of different stylistic and ideological plans in the image structure of the central character Ivan Flyagin, who stands at different stages of his life and his search for true faith both as a bearer of official Christian religion (critical plane) and folk righteous faith (idyllic plane) towards non-Russians (the Tatars and the Gipsies). The author concludes that Nikolai Leskov attributed the core and strength of Christian faith to natural Orthodoxy, with its versatility and the ability to integrate different people and nations. Keywords: N.S.Leskov, "The Enchanted Wanderer", religiosity, orthodoxy Text (russian) Views: 2834; Downloads: 32; |
Saphran G. |
Evangelic subtext and Jewish theme in Nikolai Leskov’s short novel The Lord’s Judgement
The article identifies and analyzes a comprehensive evangelical code of Nikolai Leskov’s short novel The Lord’s Judgement, which develops a metaphoric plot. The author concludes that Jewish theme in this short novel with several story lines is based on parabolic poetics of the New Testament, which requires a reader to distinguish between literal and figurative text meanings. Keywords: N.S.Leskov,Vladychny Sud, Episcopal Justice, the Jews in Russia, recruitment, baptism, evangelical motives Text (russian) Views: 2687; Downloads: 29; |
Kretova A. A. |
Christian commandments in Nikolai Leskov’s Christmas stories Christ visiting moujik and Offended before Christmas
The article examines some specific features and problems of two Nikolai Leskov’s Christmas stories, focusing on the role of evangelic didactic tradition and means of its expression of stories structure. Keywords: N.S.Leskov, Christmas story, miracle, poetics of the genre Text (russian) Views: 3060; Downloads: 38; |
Esaulov I. A. |
The study of some specific characteristics of Anton Chekhov’s story Vanka
The article studies the specific characteristics of a Christmas story genre, which requires a final wonder. In the artistic reality created by Anton Chekhov in his story Vanka such a wonder takes place with the implicit Christmas meeting of the grandfather and the grandson, when Vanka’s letter finds the addressee. Keywords: content, meaning, genre, the Christmas story, miracle, artistic reality Text (russian) Views: 2882; Downloads: 55; |
Raneva-Ivanova M. |
Theory and method of studying the Christian motif in Anton Chekhov's prose (the meaning of Esater motif in his novel The Cossack)
The author uses contemporary theories and methods of motif analysis to study the role of Christian motifs in the narrated world of Anton Chekhov`s prose. The analysis focuses on the Transfiguration and the functions of Easter motif complex in his novel The Cossack. The author proves that the Eucharistic motif brings Christian ethical standards into a story about a private event (some accident during travel), and these standards become a rating scale for evaluating character's behavior. Keywords: Chekhov, story "Cossack", Easter, Auerbach, mimesis, figure, transfiguration, the motif Text (russian) Views: 2579; Downloads: 42; |
Kozhevnikova N. A. |
Evangelic motifs in Andrei Bely’s novel Moskow
The article examines evangelic quotes, motifs and images in the last Andrei Bely's novel Moscow. The author concludes that Bely's reference to the Gospel is presented in all climatic scenes of the novel and, therefore, creates a text within a text and determines its inner (implied) meaning. Keywords: A. Beliy, Moscow, evangelical motives, quotes Text (russian) Views: 2740; Downloads: 32; |
Pronin A. A. |
Quotations from Christian sources in Ivan Bunin’s novel The Life of Arseniev. Youth
The article identifies Christian sources in Ivan Bunin’s novel The Life of Arseniev. Youth and traces the novel creation history and changes in its quotation plan. Christian quotation plan (27 sources) is analyzed in light of the author — authority dichotomy (introduced by Sergei Averincev). The author makes the conclusion about the dominance of a new contextual meaning of Ivan Bunin’s use of studied quotations, which renders the problem of quoting Christian sources beyond the framework of religiousness category. Keywords: I.A. Bunin, The life of Arseniev. Youth, quote Text (russian) Views: 2922; Downloads: 32; |
Spiridonova I. A. |
Sdudying the orphanage motif in Andrei Platonov’s novel Chevengur in light of Christian tradition
The article examines the orphanage motif of Andrei Platonov’s novel Chevengur, which has a complex structure. Biblical and Christian subtext, including the evangelical parable of the prodigal son, as well as the themes of revolution empty heart and empty sky, plays an important role in the semantics of this motif. Keywords: The Gospel, prodigal son, orphanage, motive, implied sense, A. Platonov Text (russian) Views: 2803; Downloads: 31; |
Christian ideal and postmodernism I. P. |
Christian ideal and postmodernism
The article deals with the problem of Christian values in the works of postmodern Russian writers. The author comes to a conclusion that the ideas of abandonment by God and God seeking were brought into focus by Venedict Yerofeyev, Valeria Narbikova, Pyotr Aleshkovsky, Aleksey Slapovsky, Andrei Korolev, and others. The emphasis is placed on the role of quotations and biblical allusions from the Old and the New Testaments for the structure of Venedict Yerofeyev’s novel Moscow to the End of the Line. Keywords: The Bible, Christianity, post-modernism, contemporary literature Text (russian) Views: 2826; Downloads: 39; |