Esaulov I. A. |
Gospel text in Russian culture and modern science
The article demonstrates the difference between the process of investigation and understanding in the modern humanities. The analysis of a literary text in terms of Christian tradition is an important goal of historical poetics of Russian literature. New categories of literature studies, aimed at focusing on Christian legendry in literary works, are presented in the article. Christian traditions experienced transformations, metamorphoses and pseudomorphoses that cannot be ignored while building up a new history of Russian literature. Keywords: investigation, understanding, thing, personality, spirituality types, psychology, ethnography, cross cultural studies, etic- and emik- approaches, new categories of literature studies Text (russian) Views: 960; Downloads: 188; |
Zakharov V. N. |
"The Eternal Gospel" in the Artistic Chronotopes of Russian Literature
The present article studies the status of chronotope as a new category of historical poetics (M. Bakhtin). The author sets up the problems of the analysis of imaginative space and time in the works of Russian classical writers. The Christian symbolism in Dostoevsky's and Turgenev's novels is unfolded; the occurrence of the Gospel and the phenomenon of Christ in Russian literature are emphasized. Keywords: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ivan Turgenev, Mikhail Bakhtin, categories of historical poetics, chronotope, the Gospel, Christian symbols of name, space and time Text (russian) Views: 892; Downloads: 138; |
Glariantova E. V. |
Christian reminiscences in the works by A. Kantemir
The article is devoted to the research of Christian reminiscences in A. D. Kantemir's works. Such works of Kantemir’s psalm poetry as the Symphony of the Book of Psalms, paraphrases Metaphrasis Ps. 36, Metaphrasis Ps. 72, Song I Against the Godless, Song II Hope for God are used for this purpose. Images, motives and certain verses of psalms are presented in many Kantemir's works written in different years beginning with his early Symphony to the late translation of The Existence of God by Fenelon. A. D. Kantemir combined verses from the Book of Psalms with similar motives from antique authors' works. Keywords: A. D. Kantemir, psalms, the eighteenth century, psalm transposition genre, paraphrase, Horatio, Christian reminiscences Text (russian) Views: 728; Downloads: 35; |
Pavlyak O. N. |
Gospel text in the structure of the poem "Jesus is a Friend to Sinners" by M. M. Heraskov
In this article the author analyses a little-known poem by Mikhail Kheraskov and comes to the conclusion that the Gospel text is a structural and semantic center of Kheraskov's lyrical utterance that determines its religious, philosophical and artistic value. Keywords: the 18th century, Mikhail Kheraskov, Gospel text, Christianity, lyric story line Text (russian) Views: 733; Downloads: 35; |
Kuikina E. S. |
Novelette "The Choice of the Cross" by V. A. Zhukovsky
The article is devoted to the analysis of the poetic novelette by V. A. Zhukovsky The Choice of the Cross (1845). The novelette is a translation of Die Kreuzschau by the German author Albert von Chamisso. The artistic image of a wanderer walking in the mountains and his devotional address to the Creator to relieve the burden of mortal sufferings is comprehended in the novel in terms of Christianity. The reference to the Gospel and to the guidance of the reverend fathers of the Church helps to understand the plot as the way to belief, determination for God, path of endeavors and sufferings. The article also focuses on the inner world of V. A. Zhukovsky who was very close to the spiritual contents of the novel. Keywords: The Gospel, parable, values of Christianity, Spirit guides Text (russian) Views: 711; Downloads: 37; |
Zhilina N. P. |
Motives of the parable of the prodigal son in Pushkin’s "Snowstorm"
Analysing the artistic structure and semantics of this Pushkin’s story, the author reveals its very core that is a somehow transformed version of the well-known evangelic parable – of the prodigal children going along an arduous road from one axiological extreme to another, from 'self-will' to 'humbleness' which determines a deep psychological basis of its plot development. Keywords: Pushkin, snowstorm, the Prodigal Son, self-will, humbleness Text (russian) Views: 755; Downloads: 54; |
Kozlov I. V. |
Hexameter in "The Mysterious Drop" by F. Glinka (poetic transposition of the "Pater Noster")
The author focuses on the last large work by F. Glinka The Mysterious Drop (1861) dedicated to the matters of religion. Special features of the poetic version of the apocryphal story about the Penitent Thief are analyzed here. The conclusion is that the semantic core of the poem is the Lord's Prayer made in hexameter. This meter is used nowhere else in the polirhythmic structure of the poem. A rhymed prayer with rhythmic accents plays a special harmonizing role in the artistic concept of the universe. Keywords: Glinka, the Bible, apocryphal story, prayer, poetry, hexameter Text (russian) Views: 735; Downloads: 40; |
Kulakova I. I. |
The article analyzes the issues of Pisemskiy’s world outlook in reference to his personal distinctiveness and manifested in his specific artistic method – realism of views. While defining the genre of Pisemskiy’s work as a light variant of an anti-nihilistic novel, the author of the article addresses to the central personages in order to find out what exactly Pisemskiy sets against the vortex of Russian post-reform life. Keywords: Orthodox ideology, realism, anti-nihilistic novel, love triangle, materialistic outlook, spirituality, morality, patriotism, faith of ancestors, problem of feminism, woman-warrior, woman-novice Text (russian) Views: 767; Downloads: 29; |
Novikova A. A. |
The article studies N. S. Leskov's religious and -philosophical views, the originality of the writer’s artistic attitude. The analysis of the particular nature of Leskov's works through such writings as The Sealed Angel, At the Edge of the World, Christ Visits a Muzhik, Mysterious presages, Handsome men and others, gives a chance to show how the problem of comprehension of God, that deeply touched the author, is esthetically embodied; the writer manages to stamp in the word a mystical experience of Christian faith, its spiritual nature. Keywords: Leskov, Christianity, religious and -moral searches, a problem of comprehension of God, evangelical figurativeness, a esthetical embodiment Text (russian) Views: 753; Downloads: 43; |
Cheryukina G. L. |
The materials of this article are part of the research of poetic texts of different authors with the purpose of identifying the typical phenomena in Russian classical literature in their genesis and typological relation. Apart from the mentioned literary works, in the context of the given problem the novel of F. M. Dostoevsky The Humiliated and Insulted is considered as one of the transitory variants of the transformed traditional biblical story. Keywords: archetype, daughter, tradition, motif, paradigm, forgiveness, plot Text (russian) Views: 847; Downloads: 38; |
Pinzhenina E. I. |
The article is devoted to the interpretation of the central image of the picture of I. N. Kramskoi Christ in the Desert by the 19th-century Russian writers. The focus is on the analysis of the sketch about this painting made by I. A. Goncharov. The research leads to the conclusion about an important creative, aesthetical and worldview commonality between Goncharov and Kramskoi. Keywords: Russian literature of the 19th century, works of I. A. Goncharov, painting, image of Christ Text (russian) Views: 720; Downloads: 29; |
Fedoseeva T. V. |
The article attempts to evaluate the concept of the historical development of literature by F. I. Buslaev who is traditionally perceived as the founder of the mythological school in Russian science. The scholar identifies two basic phases of language and literature development, i. e. mythological and Christian ones. Buslaev analyzes complex interactions between pagan and Christian, religious and artistic features at different stages of the development of Russian literature up to Romanticism and Realism, as well as of the novel in the 19th-century art. Keywords: Buslaev, historical concept of literature, paganism, Christianity, Orthodoxy, national spirit Text (russian) Views: 745; Downloads: 25; |
Velikoselskiy A. V. |
Two views on F. Dostoevsky: Oscar von Schoultz and the Reverend Justin (Popovitch)
This article provides a comparative analysis of two studies by two researchers of Dostoevsky’s creative work — Finnish slavist Oscar von Schoultz and Serbian religious thinker The Reverend Justin Popović. It focuses primarily on the system and evolution of positive and negative characters of Dostoevsky's novels in the context of faith and unbelief. Keywords: Dostoevsky, von Schoultz, The Reverend Justin Popović, Nikolai Velimirovich, Nikolaj Velimirović Text (russian) Views: 750; Downloads: 44; |
Seropyan A. S. |
About the sacral in the artistic time of F. Dostoevsky
The article is devoted to the analysis of the action time in Dostoevsky's creative work. The motives of painful and ecstatic love to the world and universe, suffering and cruel voluptuousness are especially important in the plots of his works. An antipositivism dialogue is revealed, i. e. disillusionment of "semi scientific" credo which is suicidal for the humankind from the view point of the author. The time in F. M. Dostoevsky's poetics is a form and measure for the movement of the eternity in the space of the created world. Keywords: Dostoevsky, time, event, a divine service circle, canon, eternity Text (russian) Views: 772; Downloads: 43; |
Kustovskaya M. A. |
The concept of "living life" in Dostoevsky’s works
The key aspects of the system analysis of the "living life" concept in Dostoevsky’s art are presented in the article. Its genesis and evolution is studied in relation to interpretation of the "living life" concept by other authors. Thus, original understanding of the phenomenon by Dostoevsky is disclosed. It turns out, that in writer’s thesaurus this expression does not appear sporadically, but finds itself as a significant constant leitmotif and goes from work to work. The writer interprets the prevailing understanding of "living life" by bringing it to a spiritual level, linking it with the main intention of his work – the statement of the ideal "shining personality" of Christ. Keywords: artistic concept, living life, underground, childishness, ground, the idea of the immortality of the soul, christocentricity, orthodox culture Text (russian) Views: 898; Downloads: 42; |
Kunilskiy D. A. |
The image of Brazhnik (reveller) in the works of Dostoevsky and K. Aksakov
The article is dedicated to the comparative study of religious and aethical ideas of Dostoevsky and K. Aksakov. The principal works in this connection are The Tale of Brazhnik by Aksakov and the character of Marmeladov in the novel Crime and Punishment. The polemic role of this character, as contrasted to the Slavophile theory, is mentioned. The evolution of Dostoevsky views to Slavophilism is traced in the chapter Cana of Galilee of the novel The Brothers Karamazov. The appeal of Dostoevsky to the works of Slavophiles, that was not observed before, is recorded. Keywords: Brazhnik (reveller), joy, merriment, Christianity, kenosis, Slavophiles Text (russian) Views: 1180; Downloads: 32; |
Gabdullina V. I. |
Parable strategy of the author's discourse in the novel "The Gambler" by Dostoevsky
The Parable strategy of the author's discourse in the novel The Gambler is depicted in the motif of temptation and moral enslavement by passions of the main character, who broke with the Home. In the context of ideas of pochvennichestvo Dostoevsky's novel The Gambler is considered an artistic metaphor, enclosing the author's view on the problem of "the foreign Russians" and in the context of the wider extent – on the problem "Russia – Europe". Keywords: parable strategy, author's discourse, motif of temptation, the Prodigal Son Text (russian) Views: 907; Downloads: 50; |
Garicheva E. A. |
The author considers Dostoyevsky's work The Adolescent as a text that translates Church Fathers' doctrines and the Transfiguration dogma. The article brings to light the key role of a prayer for Dostoyevsky's characters. Genre, chronotope, narrative structure and imagery of his novel are determined by the Transfiguration dogma. Keywords: Orthodoxy, transfiguration, crisis life story, chronotope Text (russian) Views: 1257; Downloads: 64; |
Karpacheva T. S. |
The image of St. Tikhon Zadonsky and his writings in the works and world outlook of F. M. Dostoevsky
The article examines the facts allowing to talk about the significance of personality and writings of St. Tikhon (Zadonsky) for Dostoevsky. The writer contrasted the image of St. Tikhon with the positive protagonists of modern literature. Dostoevsky used the features of St. Tikhon when creating the images of the bishop (The Obsessed), Father Zosima (The Brothers Karamazov), Makar Dolgoruky (The Adolescent). Dostoevsky's characters and the saint share joyful Easter perception of the world and people. Keywords: Dostoevsky, St. Tikhon Zadonsky, church, literature, life and afterlife, Easter world perception Text (russian) Views: 61; Downloads: 38; |
Yarysheva I. S. |
Religious life of the Dostoevsky family (1867—1881) in the memoirs by A. G. Dostoevsky
The article touches upon the theme of religious beliefs of F. M. Dostoevsky which has been widely discussed since the late 19th century till now. Religious life of the family of Dostoevsky is revealed through the memoirs (Diary and Memoirs) of the person F. M. Dostoevsky was closest to during the period from 1867 to 1881, i. e. his wife A. G. Dostoevsky. Keywords: Russian literature of the 19th century, works and religion of F. M. Dostoevsky, memoirs of A. G. Dostoevsky Text (russian) Views: 59; Downloads: 41; |
Bogdanova O. A. |
Get used to it, the proud man (The problem of integrity and dualism of a personality in the context of Christian anthropology of A. S. Pushkin and F. M. Dostoevsky)
The article investigates the search for the anthropological ideal in Russian classical literature of the 19th century and shows it on the way to obtaining "virtue" as a Christian Orthodox idea of a personality capable of talking to God, which is traditional for Russian national consciousness. Keywords: Pushkin, Dostoevsky, personality, virtue, dualism, humanism, Orthodoxy, Hesychasm Text (russian) Views: 58; Downloads: 32; |
Zakharchenko S. O. |
The eldership in letters of the Optina elders St. Macarius (Ivanov) and St. Ambrose (Grenkov)
This article discusses the eldership of the Optina Elders (spiritual masters) St. Macarius (Ivanov) and St. Ambrose (Grenkov). This research is made on the grounds of epistolary manuscripts of the 19th century. Keywords: Orthodoxy, textology, monkhood, epistolary heritage, epistolary legacy, the Reverend Optinsky Elders, spiritual eldership Text (russian) Views: 45; Downloads: 29; |
Mesheryakova N. A. |
Opposition paganism — Christianity in antique novels by V. Bryusov (problem statement)
The article is devoted to the research of antiquity and Christianity in Bryusov's novel The Altar of Victory. The author reveals a series of oppositions that are not mutually exclusive but have an interpenetrating character that shows the cultural and historical concept of the author. Keywords: V. Bryusov, antiquity, novel, Christianity Text (russian) Views: 39; Downloads: 24; |
Neda Andritch . |
Julian the abjurer and Christian world in the novel "The Death of the Gods" by D. Merezhkovsky
The article elaborates on the concept of the protagonist in the novel The Death of the Gods, Julian the Abjurer by D. S. Merezhkovsky in the light of his attitude to Christian thought and Christians. The analysis accounts for the key religious and philosophic searches by Julian the Abjurer. Special attention is paid to the instances of "unwise wisdom" of Julian the Abjurer and reasons for his "patronizing violence" in relation to Christians. Keywords: works of Merezhkovsky, early Christianity and paganism in literature, Silver Age, Apocalypse Text (russian) Views: 54; Downloads: 33; |
Dekhtyarenok A. V. |
The image of wings in the novel "The Resurrection of the Gods. Leonardo da Vinci" by D. S. Merezhkovsky
The article analyzes one of the key symbols of the novel The Resurrection of the Gods. Leonardo da Vinci by D. S. Merezhkovsky, the image of the wings. A lot of symbolic connotations of this image reveal the theme of creativity, that has a special, religious meaning in the work. Keywords: symbolism, Merezhkovsky's creative work, novel "The Resurrection of the Gods", image of the wings Text (russian) Views: 42; Downloads: 27; |
Rozanov U. V. |
A Christian layer in "Posolon" by A. M. Remizov
The article is dedicated by the first book by a famous Russian writer of the 20th century A. M. Remizov, Posolon (1906) based on Slavic folklore material. Analyzing independent miniatures of the book (Young Monk, Korochun, Midsummer Lights, Prayer) the author identifies the layer of Christian images: demons, angels, korocun, legends of the Midsummer night, child as an innocent sacrifice etc. Autobiographical motives and historical prototypes are identified for some characters: clergyman G. S. Petrov, priest Gapon. The Christian layer is implemented in Posolon on a wide scale from "people's Orthodoxy" to secret allusions to the most important events in the history of the Russian church and the State. Keywords: neo mythologysm, ritual folklore, children games, Slavic demonology, Revolution of 1905 Text (russian) Views: 41; Downloads: 26; |
Mashkova E. E. |
"Dual faith" during the Soviet era in the "industrial" prose of the 1920s—1930s
This article analyzes the manipulation of the sacral in the principles of Socialist Realism "production" prose of the 1920s–1930s. The spіritual atmosphere in post-revolutionary Russia is characterized as "dual faith". The author's assessments of Bolshevik doctrine's fetishist foundations, its anti-Christian nature are considered. Keywords: Socialist Realism, production novel, spirituality, Bolshevism Text (russian) Views: 42; Downloads: 23; |
Mikhailuchenko O. S. |
The concept "heart" in wartime stories by Andrey Platonov
The article studies the concept of the heart in the Wartime Stories by A. Platonov. It represents an attempt to analyze the form of expression of this concept and its semantics in the context of the author's philosophy of war in Christian traditions of culture. Keywords: Platonov, wartime stories, concept, heart, sobornost’ Text (russian) Views: 50; Downloads: 28; |
Skoropadskaya A. A. |
The Gospel of John in the novel of B. Pasternak Doctor Zhivago
B. Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago is recognized by many researchers as a Christian novel. The author defined it as 'my Christianity'. The article considers how a Christian theme and that one of nature connected with the former are revealed in Pasternak's works by means of his reference to the Gospel of John. Such symbolic images as a tree, a garden, that are meaningful for Pasternak, and concepts of love, death, and the word ascend to this Gospel in their Christian nature. Keywords: Pasternak, Christianity, the Gospel of John, a nature theme, a love theme, a death theme, an image of the garden, an image of the tree Text (russian) Views: 59; Downloads: 35; |
Dorofeeva L. G. |
Genesis of a lowly person in the novelette of F. Abramov "Wooden Horses": New Testament tradition
The author aspires to reveal Milyentievna's spiritual nature designating her as a type of the national character. Making axiological analysis of the protagonist’s character, the author comes to a conclusion that humility is her main trait and he sees genesis of the dominant qualities of this image in the New Testament and its tradition. Keywords: national character, axiology, humility, the New Testament, New Testament tradition Text (russian) Views: 36; Downloads: 21; |
Velikanova E. A. |
Gospel text in science fiction novelettes by V. P. Krapivin (the cycle "In the Heart of the Great Crystal")
The article analyses evangelical motives and images in a cycle of science fiction stories In the heart of the Great Crystal by Vladislav Krapivin. The reference to the evangelical text and connection to folklore and literary elements create the modern moral maintenance of books of the writer addressed to the teenage reader. Keywords: literature for children, fantasy, Vladislav Krapivin, evangelical motives Text (russian) Views: 45; Downloads: 28; |
Neyolov E. M. |
Christian tradition in Russian science fiction of the 20th and early 21st centuries
The article analyzes different aspects of assimilation of Christian tradition in Russian science fiction (genre of fantasy). Contents and formal aspects of the tradition are taken into consideration. Keywords: Christianity, tradition, fantasy, demon Text (russian) Views: 63; Downloads: 37; |
Esaulov I. A. |
The Cultural Unconscious and Resurrection of Russia
In the article the author polemicizes with the ideas of formalists, which claim the existence of a law of destruction of meaning through form in the works of art. These views of the necessary deformation of the meaning are put in the historical context of destruction of the Russian tradition in the USSR. The author emphasizes two periods of the deformation of the Russian tradition in the Soviet culture and sets against this deformation the works of Russian authors in exile: Bunin, Shmelev, B. Zaytsev. The latter have depicted the conciliar (sobornaya) Russia in their creative works. In the article the Bakhtin’s concept of outsidedness ('vnenakhodimost') of the author is corrected from the Christian standpoint and the receptive mechanism of the resurrection of historical Russia is shown based on the material of Bunin’s texts. Keywords: form and meaning, deformation, adaptation, reception, the cultural unconscious, resurrection Text (russian) Views: 84; Downloads: 54; |