Zakharov V. N. |
Debating Substantial Issues
The content of the article is a dispute with Alexey Lyubomudrov about such point as ecclesiasticism of the literature. Keywords: Christianity, Orthodox, Religious, Russian literature, controversy, criticism Text (russian) Views: 3556; Downloads: 154; |
Yesaulov I. A. |
Christian tradition and literary art
The author defines the tradition as the presence of the cultural memory in a piece of writing. Conceptualization of the Christian spirit of man in art work suggests the Christian tradition. The tradition in the folklore, the rhetorical era, and the Modern age is considered. Anti traditionalism of the 20th century is interpreted in the article as a break with the Christian tradition. To this effect, some vague relationships between Russian leading formalists and theorists of postmodernism, who relied on the marginal cultural minority, can be traced. An attitude is given for the adherent of the Christian tradition in the 20th-century art both in Russia and in the West. Keywords: Cultural memory, rhetoric, genre, national tradition, continuity Text (russian) Views: 3997; Downloads: 101; |
Neyolov E. M. |
Two hearts, one spirit (notes on the reception of The Tale of Peter and Fevronia in Russian literature of the 20th century)
This article analyzes the folklore version of The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom and examines the Christian elements of a folklore text. Keywords: folk tale, philosophy of N. F. Fyodorov, genre content Text (russian) Views: 3777; Downloads: 49; |
Malek E. |
The legend of the priest Abraham and its potential sources
The author of the article carries out a review of a literary monument basing on two famous lists of the Legend and reveals defining characteristics of the context and a probable source of the work – a Latin medieval tale. Keywords: tale of the priest Abraham, Latin medieval story, exemplum Text (russian) Views: 3547; Downloads: 56; |
Krinichnaya N. A. |
Legends of the invisible city of Kitezh: the mythologeme of pursuing the hidden town in folk and literary prose
The author determines three groups of legends: searching for the City of Kitezh, that is the legends about possibility or impossibility of finding the secret town; The invitees to the City of Kitezh, that is the legends about the characters invited by the elders of Kitezh to live there till the Second Coming; those who have gone to the City of Kitezh, that is the legends about worthy, decent and desired people elected by the holy elders. Keywords: City of Kitezh, the Holy Scriptures, P. I. Melnikov-Pechersky, V. G. Korolenko, Old Believers, M. M. Prishvin, holy grail, liminality Text (russian) Views: 3108; Downloads: 71; |
Proskurina E. N. |
There is an attempt to find out the transformations of the pilgrimage subject in national literature of the 19th and early 20th centuries, to determine its main strategies in terms of the most illustratory pieces of art or its fragments. Keywords: pilgrimage, A. N. Muraviov, A. S. Norov, F. M. Dostoevsky, "The Brothers Karamazov", "Demons", teaching elders by a layman, A. P. Chekhov, pilgrimage to the world, seeming piety, I. Shmelev, "Pilgrimage", G. Gazdanov, "Pilgrims" Text (russian) Views: 3777; Downloads: 54; |
Lubzhin A. I. |
Christian Sources of Mikhail Kheraskov’s epic poem "Rossiad"
In terms of the analysis of the Rossiada’s sources the author compares Jerusalem Delivered written by Torquato Tasso and Genriada written by Volter to the Sacred Writing of Mikhail Cheraskov and comes to the concludion that neither the epic form nor ethnic attributes are invincible obstacles for a pious author. Keywords: M. M. Kheraskov, Voltaire, Torquato Tasso, Rossiad, Henriade, epic, the Holy Scriptures Text (russian) Views: 3545; Downloads: 47; |
Sergeeva O. A. |
Path to light as one of the highest truths in Fyodor Glinka’s poetry
On the assumption of the idea of light (as meant in Celestial uncreated energy) in the oeuvre of Glinka’s precursors and, especially, in Derzhavin’s works, the author comes to a conclusion about a qualitatively new interpenetration of this concept in Glinka’s poetry. Keywords: G. R. Derzhavin, F. N. Glinka, light, idea of light, God Text (russian) Views: 3583; Downloads: 40; |
Sablina N. P. |
Life dwells: themes of death and immortality in Russian poetry
This article analyses one of the most important topics of Russian literature — the topic of death. This topic, like no other, brightly shows a paschal joyful attitude of Russian people as its main mental state since the times of Christianization, as deep conscious faith in immortality of the soul, hope and belief of penitent sinners in God's mercy and blessed afterlife; at the same time active love for mortal life on the one hand and striving for immortal love, light of heaven on the other hand; the courage of the nation and its outstanding representatives to live and choose the path of life according to the evangelical teaching. Keywords: theme of death, immortality, orthodoxy, resurrection Text (russian) Views: 3228; Downloads: 48; |
Prokhorova I. E. |
Christianity in Pyotr Vyazemsky’s creative perception in the 1810’s
The author comes down to the beginnings of Viazemsky’s creative perception’s formation. In more detail the author studies the 1810s, the time of the passage from adolescent scepticism and unbelief to the duality, absence of a definite stand. Keywords: P. A. Vyazemsky, the 19th century, the 1810-s, Christianity Text (russian) Views: 3315; Downloads: 44; |
Khalizev V. E. |
Alexander Pushkin’s short drama "Mozart and Salieri" in the light of Personality theory of the 20th century
The author leads us to believe that the Pushkin's tragedy "Mozart and Salieri" is a testament to the remoteness of Pushkin at the turn of the 1820s—1830s from Byron’s poetization of pride and headstrongness. The semantic structure of Pushkin's tragedy corresponds to the spirit of Christianity, is consistent with its dictates and commandments, deeply related to those theories of the 20th century, which considered personal existence as a free-responsible human involvement in being, associated not just with worries, sadness, compassion, and the experience of wickedness, but also with joy and gaiety of spirit. Thus, the assonance between west European and Russian philosophy of the 20th century and Russian classical literature of the 19th century is revealed. Keywords: A. S. Pushkin, "Mozart and Salieri", freedom, responsibility, involvement, participatory thinking, forced involvement, existentialism, Byron Text (russian) Views: 3443; Downloads: 51; |
Malchukova T. G. |
Representation of characters in Pushkin’s novel "Eugene Onegin" in the light of ancient and christian traditions: setting up the problem
The problem of representation of characters in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is solved by the author through connection of Ancient and Christian principles of featuring a man. The harmony of the character determines the depiction of persons that form the background of main characters’ deeds. The main characters in their turn are marked with a spirit of transformation. They, especially Tatyana, are able to change and are shown not only from the viewpoint of their deeds but also in terms of their inner, spiritual world that was opened by Christian literature through depicting the man. Keywords: Pushkin’s novel "Eugene Onegin", character representation, conext, Ancient literature, Christian literature Text (russian) Views: 3290; Downloads: 45; |
Tarasov K. G. |
Ours and theirs in Vladimir Dal’s collection of fairy tales "The First Five"
By the example of the first prosaic cycle of Vladimir Dal this article contemplates the problem of searching for the original principles of the national culture. The author of "The First Five" solves this problem by using thematic antinomies, friend – foe, local – overseas, Russian – non-Russian. Keywords: prosaic cycle, poetics of the cycle, antinomy, Orthodoxy Text (russian) Views: 3648; Downloads: 33; |
Evchuk O. P. |
Metaphysics of Mikhail Lermontov’s poetry in the context of evangelical archetypes and symbols
The author traces the sequel of following the strong tradition of national literature to clarify the ontological state of the individual in the aspect of its aspiration to the absolute and eternal in Lermontov’s work, the poet’s appeal to the archetypical toposes of Home and Way, paying special attention to the most significant poem of the mature Lermontov - "Alone I set out on the road..." Keywords: M. Yu. Lermontov, home, way, Evangelic archetype, symbol, "Alone I set out on the road..." Text (russian) Views: 3162; Downloads: 47; |
Aizikova I. A. |
The idea of inner Christian life in Vasily Zhukovsky’s late prose
The article explores the idea of "interior Christian life" – a complex concept, synthetic by its nature, which is defined by the adunation of personal (emotional, intellectual, volitional) and suprapersonal principles, defines the synthetic (prose-poetic) nature of the later prose writings of Zhukovsky, various and blurred by genre features, but united by searching for the meaning of earthly life of man and society as a whole. Keywords: V. A. Zhukovsky, inner Christian life, philosophy of life, transformation of the soul Text (russian) Views: 3264; Downloads: 39; |
Kanunova F. Z. |
Religious and mythological basis of Vasily Zhukovsky’s last poem Ahasuerus
The last Zhukovsky’s poem "Wandering Jew", which was regarded by him as final, is considered by the author of the article in the context of the changes of the poet's mood conditioned by a gradual transition from the educational views to the religious-mystical attitude, giving special attention to Apocalypse by Saint Ioannis the Evangelist. Zhukovsky is represented not only as a romantic poet, but also as an independent myth-maker, who skillfully intertwines biblical events, his own interpretation of the myth of Ahasuerus and the Napoleonic theme. Keywords: V. A. Zhukovsky, "Wandering Jew", myth of Ahasuerus, Apocalypse, Napoleonic theme, Christian context Text (russian) Views: 3648; Downloads: 41; |
Vinogradov I. A. |
Unknown autographs of Nikolai Gogol’s two articles about Church and the clergy: the history of publishing Gogol’s "Selected Correspondence with Friends"
Two articles of Gogol about Church and the clergy in author's edition are published in the writing. This allows the text of his book Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends (1847) to be presented for the first time in its entirety without any distortions. Gogol’s assumption based on archival sources that numerous censor corrections of his book were induced by the intrigues of liberal Western party rather than by the confrontation of the authorities, was evidenced. Keywords: Gogol, autograph, Orthodoxy, epistolary heritage Text (russian) Views: 3283; Downloads: 53; |
Voropaev V. A. |
Nikolai Gogol’s death: Mikhail Pogodin’s obituary article with marginal marks by Count Alexander Tolstoy, Stepan Shevyryov and Aleksey Khomyakov
The manuscript of Mikhail Pogodin’s obituary article "Death of Gogol" (Moskvityanin, 1852, № 5) with marginal marks in it, belonging to such authors as Count Alexandr Tolstoy, Stepan Shevyrov and Aleksey Khomiakov. is published in the article. The manuscript of the obituary article is based on a copy retained in the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (Moscow). Keywords: Gogol, terminal days, circumstances of death, Pogodin, Count Tolstoy, Shevyryov, Homyakov Text (russian) Views: 3006; Downloads: 37; |
Koshemchuk T. A. |
The theme of earthly temptations in Fyodor Tyutchev’s natural-philosophical poetry
The author of the article argues against the widely spread opinion about Tyutchev’s "paganism, pantheism or even bashful atheism", imposed by the Soviet atheistic literary criticism, and proves that in a lot of ways Tyutchev’s poems implicate a true Christian principle, commenting especially on the crucial period in the poet’s creative process. Keywords: Tyutchev, natural philosophy, paganism, pantheism, Christianity, temptation by the world, the earthly, theme of nature Text (russian) Views: 3640; Downloads: 34; |
Jackson R. L. |
The author makes a detailed analysis of Alyosha Karamazov’s speech at the stone, compares it with Ivan’s speech in the tavern, and leads to the idea what Dostoevsky meant by the term the whole picture: the whole picture includes not only the recognition of evil, but also the potential reality of good and goodness in human nature. Keywords: Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov, whole picture, Alyosha Karamazov, Ivan Karamazov, good and evil, reality Text (russian) Views: 3481; Downloads: 78; |
Grigoriev D. |
The article compares two points of view of the critics on the finale of "Crime and Punishment". The author in his turn tends to think that the subject of Raskolnikov’s redemption is justified by formal-structural, and dialectic-ideological development of the novel; emphasizes the role of the Gospel and compares it with the personal experience of F. M. Dostoevsky. Keywords: Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment, the Gospel, ressurection Text (russian) Views: 3581; Downloads: 85; |
Tarasov F. B. |
The role of the Gospel in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s writings
The research literature about Dostoyevsky is represented by two main branches: "certifying" and "decrypting". The author comes to a conclusion about inevitable imperfection of both of them. He outlines a starting principle of the author’s perception of the world, that formed the basis for his work, as the revelation of human existence before the enlightened image of Godman- the image, formed as the result of Dostoyevsky’s a profound perception of Gospel texts. Keywords: Dostoevsky, the Gospel, Christ Text (russian) Views: 3305; Downloads: 65; |
Gacheva A. G. |
Reproaching Dostoevsky for his ‘utopianism’ seems baseless: he perfectly knew both the Revelation and the interpretation of Chiliasm by early Christian apologists. In the works of Dostoevsky we can also see the peculiarities of his personal interpretation of the Revelation. Keywords: millennium, New Jerusalem, all as Christs Text (russian) Views: 3660; Downloads: 86; |
Ivanov V. V. |
The author sees Dostoevsky’s works as a stage in the development of the overdialogue. In each work of the writer it is the Christ who says the last word. Teophony (Preachment) supposes theophany (Epiphany) and precedes it. Keywords: ideal, image, poetic principle, Christocentrism, F. M. Dostoevsky Text (russian) Views: 3709; Downloads: 51; |
Kunilsky A. E. |
Erotic behaviour of count Myshkin in the Christian context
The subject of the article is the attitude to love of Count Myshkin who is the main character of Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot”. The author of the article disagrees with the opinion about asexuality of the Count and suggests taking into consideration specificity of his Christian psychology (“Christian affection”) along with ideological and emotional background (pagan and romantic element). Keywords: Russian literature of the 19th century, works of Dostoevsky, The Idiot, Christian love, neo-paganism Text (russian) Views: 3423; Downloads: 53; |
Pavlyuk N. N. |
Christ and the Mother of God in Taras Shevchenko’s poem "Maria" and in its Russian translation by Boris Pasternak
Biblical figurativeness underlies a lot of poems of Shevchenko and culminates in the poem "Maria". The author pays attention not only to the analysis of the text of the Ukrainian classic, but also to the translation of the poem by Boris Pasternak. He emphasizes the importance of the work that was done, compares texts, picks up strong and weak points of the translator and refraction of the theme in the congenial work of the Russian poet. Keywords: T. Shevchenko, B. Pasternak, "Maria", Mother of God, Christ, translation activity Text (russian) Views: 3868; Downloads: 39; |
Stolyarova I. V. |
The role of Kirill Turovsky’s prayer in the conceptual and imagery system of Nikolai Leskov’s story "On the Edge of the World"
The author affirms that the prayer plays a very important role in the artistic concept of Leskov’s tale, changing the characters, and touches upon the history of the prayer text’s genesis and its role in the author’s life. Keywords: N. S. Leskov, Kirill Turovsky, "On the edge of the world", prayer, humility, Kiriak Text (russian) Views: 3523; Downloads: 38; |
Ozerova N. I. |
Wise humility: the influence of Ecclesiastes on the meaning of life concept in Nikolai Leskov’s novel A Decayed Family
Epigraph from Ecclesiastes, that precedes Leskov’s text, becomes a guiding line in the area of chronicle’s implications. It sets the direction of developing events. Though the author’s attitude has some necessary nuances, which are in full reflected in the article by the examples of the extraxts from the texts of Ecclesiastes and Leskov. Keywords: N. S. Leskov, Ecclesiastes, A Decayed Family, moral values, joy, humility Text (russian) Views: 3573; Downloads: 37; |
Zhilyakova E. M. |
The problem of sacrificial love in Nikolai Leskov’s prose (the analysis of his novel "A Decayed Family")
Inset novels are the most crucial elements in Leskov’s novel, for example, the history of love of Olga Fedotovna to Vasily Nikolaevich. The author of the article pays particular attention to the idea of sacrificial love and its development in a short fragment of Leskov’s novel. He doesn’t forget about general context. Keywords: N. S. Leskov, A Decayed Family, duty, happiness, moral choice, love theme, sacrificial love Text (russian) Views: 3857; Downloads: 41; |
Tarasov A. B. |
The article suggests the interpretation of late works of Leo Tolstoy (particularly, "The Forged Coupon"). These works are correlated with hagiographical literature and Old Russian scripts, that explains its imaginative structure and peculiarities of narration. Keywords: L. N. Tolstoy, "The Forged Coupon", hagiographic literature of the modern times, hagiography, Old Russian literature, edification Text (russian) Views: 3497; Downloads: 36; |
Raneva-Ivanova M. |
The article shows the common results of analysis of Chekhov’s late stories, where the Christian motive is principal. It also examines various functions of the Christian motive, its influence on the plot development, etc. Keywords: A. P. Chekhov, Christian motif, genre, narration Text (russian) Views: 3781; Downloads: 46; |
Radchenko T. A. |
The article is devoted to the problems of studying the works of the middle ground writers, the poetics of authors just forgotten, but who at the end of the 19th century played a remarkable role in the history of Russian literature. The article discusses a need to analyze a genre aspect of the literary process of early symbolism - the time when attention to the genre category becomes more acute (at least at the level of artistic experimentation if not at the level of theoretical understanding) – by the examples of genre peculiarities of reflection the idealistic concept of Volynski in the poetry of Konstantin Ldov. It seems to be important both for studying poetics and history of Russian symbolism and for description of the aesthetic system of A. Volynsky who was the first ideologist of “true symbolism” of the end of the 19th century, whose contribution to Russian culture is still underestimated. Keywords: genre, symbolism, Volynsly, Ldov Text (russian) Views: 3350; Downloads: 32; |
Rozanov Y. V. |
Protopope Avvakum through Alexei Remizov’s creative perception
Avvakum subject actualization, that took place at the beginning of the 20th century, drew a wide response in Aleksey Remizov’s works and had influence on the author’s idea of his own place in literature development. Keywords: A. M. Remizov, Protopope Avvakum, Avvakum theme, Silver Age, image of copyis Text (russian) Views: 3695; Downloads: 37; |
Bakhtina O. N. |
Christian word in spiritual literature of the Old Believers (hagiographical texts of the 20th century)
The article analyses the hagiographical text of the Old Believers life of the 20th century. It attests both the vitality of the creation of Christian texts in modern times and maintenance of a special conception of an alive and absolute Christian word as the word, that unites us with God. Keywords: Old Believer literature, hagiography, the 20th century, genre of confession, hagiography, "live" word Text (russian) Views: 3288; Downloads: 32; |
Kolikhalova N. G. |
...Both in Gogol’s Russia and Nietzsche’s Germany (the study of Thomas Mann’s formula of the holy Russian literature)
The article analyses Thomas Mann’s formula of the holy (saintly) Russian literature. It emphasizes the main concepts of Mann’s world outlook basically formed under the influence of Nikolai Gogol and Fyodor Dostoevsky. There is an attempt to find out the main basis for cultural comparison and even twinning of Russia and Germany. Keywords: cultural convergence, comparative studies, holy Russian literature Text (russian) Views: 3793; Downloads: 38; |
Suzy V. N. |
The author investigates the image of Jesus of Blok in the perspective of Pushkin's poem Аt the beginning of life... The article considers the motive of the way and wandering of the heroes in the circles of Dante's hell. In the figurative system of "The Twelve" the gospel and bacchic origins of the plot and genre of the poem are analyzed. Keywords: Alexander Blok, poem "The Twelve", image of Jesus, 12 apostles, plot and genre, evangelical and bacchic motives Text (russian) Views: 3702; Downloads: 35; |
Yesaulov I. A. |
Mysticism of Alexander Block’s late works and the beginning of Soviet literature
The article argues that in Block’s afterward works we can observe, as it is still considered, not only mastering or development of Pushkin’s tradition in the 20th century, but also its radical rethinking and, finally, a split-up with it. Blok’s particular mysticism breaking with Orthodox tradition in the poem "The twelve" became the first page of Soviet literature. Gnosticism is expressed through instability of boundaries between light and darkness, demons and angels, Christ and antichrist. It highlights the concept of secondary sacralization, which revealed itself in Blok’s works through the ironic attitude to the Christian stability of the world and the affirmation of values found to be in complete contrast to the orthodox axiology. Keywords: Pushkin's tradition, transformation, Gnosticism, carnival, irony, secondary sacralization Text (russian) Views: 3833; Downloads: 39; |
Spiridonova I. A. |
The nature of intimacy in Andrei Platonov’s works
The article examines the concept and the principle of inner being in Andrey Platonov’s creative work in the light of evangelic tradition. It analyses the conceptual parallelism and the evolution of the themes of an inner man and inner world in the writer’s works of the 1920s and 1940s. The analysis centers around mythological and Christian emblematic complexes in the artistic structure of the short novel "Rosa Girl" (1944) written by Andrey Platonov. Keywords: the inmost, myth, Orthodoxy, poetics, A. Platonov Text (russian) Views: 3710; Downloads: 37; |
Kuznetsova S. A. |
The article examines the motive of home in Platonov’s late works. This motive is a deep and problematic comprehension of life particularities. The author finds out the common points of Leo Tolstoy’s and Aleksey Platonov’s views, but evaluates them in different ways. Keywords: symbol, motive of home, story, A. Platonov Text (russian) Views: 3566; Downloads: 38; |
Nikulina M. V. |
Nikolai Fyodorov’s religious utopia in Andrei Platonov’s prose (the analysis of Platonov’s short novel "The Foundation Pit")
The article examines the influence of the religious utopia of Nikolai Fyodorov on the creative work of Andrei Platonov. Based on the material of the novel "The Foundation Pit", it analyzes the following motives that are close to Nikolai Fyodorov’s philosophy: the motive of orphanage, the motive of the Earth cult, the motives of death and resurrection. The article concludes that the religious utopia of Fyodorov hidden under the layer of socialist utopia, becomes a special way to recreate the utopian reality and simultaneously criticize it. This proclaims the complex anti-utopian strategy of Andrei Platonov. Keywords: Platonov, socialism, utopia, myth, natural philosophy, Fyodorov, Christianity Text (russian) Views: 3619; Downloads: 45; |
Pulkin M. V. |
The motif of self-immolation in Alexey Tolstoy’s novel "Peter the Great"
The motive of self-immolation in Aleksey Tolstoy’s novel seems ambiguous and needs to be explained. The author of this article examines a huge number of historical documents, Old Believers discussions. He also analyses arguments given for and against self-immolation, taking into account historical context of Tolstoy’s novel. Keywords: A. N. Tolstoy, "Peter the Great", Old Believers, self-immolation, historical context, Old Believers discussions of the end of the 17th century Text (russian) Views: 3847; Downloads: 32; |
Polonsky V. V. |
The study of the Christian code problem (in the literary works created by Dmitry Merezhkovsky during his emigration years (the 1920s and 1930s)
The article discusses the formation of the chiliastic concept of three Testaments in the works of Merezhkovsky dating back to the largest western heresiarch of the 12th century, the Calabrian monk Joachim of Floris. Merezhkovsky embodies a vivid and tragic example of the direct logical connection between the modernist heretizm and its orientation towards the building of life with utopianism, and in the limit — totalitarianism. Keywords: D. S. Merezhkovsky, emigration, Christian code, heresy, Utopia, Modernism Text (russian) Views: 3393; Downloads: 31; |
Malchukova T. G. |
The theme of Pushkin in the literary critique by I. Ilyin
Pushkin’s theme takes a special place in Ilyin’s critical reviews. The critic accentuates the Russian spirit of the poet that permeates life and poetry of the latter, emphasizes his unity with Russia, his saturation with it. Pushkin’s thoughts and mind are “criterial”, his tradition is “saving”. “Everything that responds to the tradition is for Russia’s good, but everytging that does not, seems to be a temptation and danger”. Pushkin’s poetry of a “singing heart” born within Orthodoxy is a “hymn to the world appreciatin and God’s blessing”, “pure and strong posture” for the first time said “on behalf of Russia towards Russia”. Keywords: literary critique, I. Ilyin, Pushkin's theme Text (russian) Views: 3653; Downloads: 33; |
Martianova S. A. |
The nature of Shmeev's narrative form and its possibilities are still open to a comprehensive study. The author of the article considers the novel "Nanny from Moscow" as a typical example of the writer's innovation in the context of his own previous literary works and Russian classics. Keywords: I. S. Shmelev, "Nanny from Moscow", tale, word creation, speech tissue, "living word", folksy speech, voice of a soul Text (russian) Views: 3777; Downloads: 34; |
Sobolev N. I. |
The article is dedicated to analysis of the dominant aspects of poetics of the novel written by the great Russian writer of the 20th century Ivan Shmelev: It studies a conceptual thematic plan, systems of images and motives, the chronotope in the short novel. Shmelev wrote this short novel in October and December of 1918, the period of his artistic quest and revaluation of his world outlook. In his writing Shmelev turns to Christian tradition by representing it as the belletristic hagiography of the main character. The theme of creativity in its Christian context becomes a category that allows the novel to be involved in the evangelical tradition of Russian literature. Keywords: I. S. Shmelev, "Inexhaustible cup", evangelical tradition, Christianity, system of images and motives, hagiography Text (russian) Views: 2976; Downloads: 39; |
Rogoshchenkov I. K. |
Quo vadis? Whose Gospel is used by Mikhail Bulgakov in his novel "The Master and Margarita"?
The author of the article poses a critical question to readers “where are we going?”: to the true Gospel or the false satanic sophistry? The article, rich in materials, enables the readers to draw their own conclusions. Keywords: M. Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita", "The White Guard", "Diaboliad", the Gospel, spirituality, traditions of Dostoevsky and Gogol, rationalism, self-sacrifice, good and evil Text (russian) Views: 2940; Downloads: 45; |
Markova E. I. |
Saint George the Baptist of Russia and Maxim Gorky’s novel "The Mother"
The article analyzes the St. George complex, which implies artistic reinterpretation of verbal and visual texts about St. George the Dragon-slayer by Maxim Gorky. Using religious symbolic in an inverted form, he created a new national cultural code, which functions on an archetypal level. Keywords: Maxim Gorky, "The Mother", St. George complex, St. George the Dragon-slayer, Egory, Saint Nicholas, the Mother of God, archetype Text (russian) Views: 3323; Downloads: 31; |
Zakharchenko S. O. |
What universal images are there in Sergey Orlov's poetry? What is the basis for poetic universalia? What place does universalia take in the poetics of a soldier's duty: is it love for one's Motherland and for one's neighbour, or is it something else? What lexemes does Sergey Orlov use in order to express poetic universalia in his works? This article attempts to answer these questions. Keywords: Russian 20th century poetry, prosody, Orthodoxy, history of Russian literature, literary theory Text (russian) Views: 4559; Downloads: 33; |
Forsstedt P. |
Personal Golgotha of Innokenty Volodin (analysis of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s novel "In the First Circle")
The article discusses the complexity of the protagonist’s choice in Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s novel "In the First Circle". The author asks who Innokenty Volodin is — a traitor to his Motherland or a martyr, who voluntary makes sacrifices for his friends? Keywords: A. Solzhenitsyn, "In the First Circle", Calvary, the Gospel, the Evangel Spirit Text (russian) Views: 3555; Downloads: 40; |