
  1. Antoniy Velikiy, Reverend. Our Holy Father Anthony the Great Instruction for the Morality of People and a Good Life, in 170 Chapters. In: Khristianskoe Chtenie [Christian Reading], 1821, part 1, pp. 237—297. (In Russ.)
  2. Barsov N. I. Sistematicheskiy ukazatel’ k «Khristianskomu chteniyu» za 1821—1870 gody [Systematic Index to “Christian Reading” for 1821—1870]. St. Petersburg, Tipografiya Departamenta Udelov Publ., 1871. 144 p. (In Russ.)
  3. Belyakov V. V. Sfinksy nad Nevoy. Egipet v russkoy kul’ture [Sphinxes on the Banks of Neva. Egypt in Russian Culture]. Moscow, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2015. 192 p. (In Russ.)
  4. Bocharov S. G. A Comment. <…> A Few Words About Pushkin. In: Gogol’ N. V.Polnoe sobranie sochineniy i pisem: v 23 tomakh [Gogol N. V.The Complete Works and Letters: in 23 Vols]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2009, vol. 3: Arabesque. Various Works of N. Gogol, pp. 665—686. (In Russ.)
  5. Vakenroder V. G. Ob iskusstve i khudozhnikakh: razmyshleniya otshel’nika, lyubitelya izyashchnogo, izdannye L. Tikom [About Art and Artists. Reflections of the Hermit, the Lover of the Graceful, Published by Tieck]. Moscow, v Tipografii S. Selivanovskogo Publ., 1826. 315 p. (In Russ.)
  6. Vinogradov I. A. Gogol’ — khudozhnik i myslitel’: khristianskie osnovy mirosozertsaniya [Gogol as an Artist and a Thinker: Christian Foundations of the Worldview]. Moscow, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., “Nasledie” Publ., 2000. 448 p. (In Russ.)
  7. Vinogradov I. A. N. V. Gogol and A. A. Ivanov. On the History of the Creation of the Painting “The Appearance of the Messiah”. In: Vinogradov I. A. Aleksandr Ivanov v pis’makh, dokumentakh, vospominaniyakh [Vinogradov I. A. Alexander Ivanov in Letters, Documents, Memories]. Moscow, Izdatel’skiy Dom «XXI vek — Soglasie» Publ., 2001, pp. 670—708. (In Russ.)
  8. Vinogradov I. A. A Comment. In: Gogol’ N. V. Taras Bul’ba. Avtografy, prizhiznennye izdaniya. Istoriko-literaturnyy i tekstologicheskiy kommentariy [Gogol N. V. Taras Bulba. Autographs, Lifetime Editions. Historical, Literary and Textual Commentary]. Moscow, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2009, pp. 385—656. (In Russ.)
  9. Vinogradov I. A. Gogol’ v Nezhinskoy gimnazii vysshikh nauk: iz istorii obrazovaniya v Rossii [Gogol in the Nezhin High School: From the History of Education in Russia]. Moscow, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2015. 352 p. (In Russ.)
  10. Vinogradov I. A. “The Majestic Ode”. Gogol About Pushkin’s Poem “To N***”. In: Problemy istoricheskoy poetiki [TheProblems of Historical Poetics], 2016, issue 14, pp. 140—154. Available at: (accessed on February 15, 2021). DOI: 10.15393/ (In Russ.) (a)
  11. Vinogradov I. A. “History of the Russian State” in Gogol’s Creative Heritage. In: A. P. Sumarokov i N. M. Karamzin v literaturnom protsesse Rossii XVIII — pervoy treti XIX v. [A. P. Sumarokov and N. M. Karamzin in the Literary Process of Russia in the 18th — the First Third of the 19th Centuries]. Moscow, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2016, pp. 141—183. (In Russ.) (b)
  12. Vinogradov I. A. Gogol About Poetry and Scholasticism. (To the Author’s Definition of the Genre of “Dead Souls”). In: Tvorchestvo N. V. Gogolya i evropeyskaya kul’tura. Pyatnadtsatye Gogolevskie chteniya: sbornik nauchnykh statey po materialam Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii. Moskva, 23—24 marta; Vena, 26—27 marta 2015 g. [The Works ofN. Gogol and European Culture. Fifteenth Gogol Readings: Collection of Scientific Articles on the Materials of the International Scientific Conference. Moscow, March 23—24; Vienna, March 26—27, 2015]. Moscow, Novosibirsk, Novosibirskiy izdatel’skiy dom Publ., 2016, pp. 226—233. (In Russ.) (с)
  13. Vinogradov I. A. Blessed Are the Peacemakers. From the Story of the Two Ivans to the Idea of “Dead Souls”. In: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 9: Filologiya [MSU Vestnik. Series 9: Philology], 2017, no. 3, pp. 7—18. (In Russ.) (a)
  14. Vinogradov I. A. Blessed Are the Peacemakers. From the Story of the Two Ivans to the Idea of “Dead Souls” (The Continuation). In: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 9: Filologiya [MSU Vestnik. Series 9: Philology], 2017, no. 4, pp. 51—67. (In Russ.) (b)
  15. Vinogradov I. A. Letopis’ zhizni i tvorchestva N. V. Gogolya (1809—1852). S rodoslovnoy letopis’yu (1405—1808): v 7 tomakh [Chronicle of Life and Works of N. V. Gogol (1809—1852). With a Genealogical Chronicle (1405—1808): in 7 Vols]. Moscow, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2017—2018, vol. 1—7. 736 + 672 + 672 + 704 + 928 + 656 + 640 p. (In Russ.)
  16. Vinogradov I. A. The Literary Sermon of N. Gogol: Pro et Contra. In: Problemy istoricheskoy poetiki [The Problems of Historical Poetics], 2018, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 49—124. Available at: (accessed on February 15, 2021). DOI: 10.15393/ (In Russ.)
  17. Vinogradov I. A. “When there Is no Agreement Among Comrades...” A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, S. S. Uvarov. In: Dva veka russkoy klassiki [Two Centuries of the Russian Classics], 2019, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 34—103. Available at: (accessed on February 15, 2021). DOI: 10.22455/2686-7494-2019-1-1-34-103 (In Russ.) (a)
  18. Vinogradov I. A. The Image of the Monarch-Mentor in the Works of N. V. Gogol. In: Problemy istoricheskoy poetiki [The Problems of Historical Poetics], 2019, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 111—134. Available at: pdf/1562595168.pdf (accessed on February 15, 2021). DOI: 10.15393/j9. art.2019.6202 (In Russ.) (b)
  19. Vinogradov I. A. The Evolution of the Text: The Author’s Comment by N. V. Gogol on the Poetics of the Comedy “The Government Inspector”. In: Problemy istoricheskoy poetiki [The Problems of Historical Poetics], 2020, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 146—174. Available at: (accessed on February 15, 2021). DOI: 10.15393/ (In Russ.) (a)
  20. Vinogradov I. A. The Concept of Law in the Works of Nikolay Gogol. In: Problemy istoricheskoy poetiki [The Problems of Historical Poetics], 2020, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 64—86. Available at: (accessed on February 15, 2021). DOI: 10.15393/ (In Russ.) (b)
  21. Vinogradov I. A. Psychology of Nikolai Gogol. In: Dva veka russkoy klassiki [Two Centuries of the Russian Classics], 2020, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 6—73. Available at: (accessed on February 15, 2021). DOI: 10.22455/2686-7494-2020-2-4-6-73 (In Russ.) (c)
  22. Vinogradov I. A. Myths About the Death of N. V. Gogol: Sources, Genesis, Poetics. In: Problemy istoricheskoy poetiki [The Problems of Historical Poetics], 2020, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 99—137. Available at: (accessed on February 15, 2021). DOI: 10.15393/ (In Russ.)
  23. Vinogradov I. A. “In the Polemical Field”: Gogol as a Journalist and Publicist. In: Ocherki istorii russkoy publitsistiki pervoy treti XIX veka [Essays on the History of Russian Journalism in the First Third of the 19th Century]. Moscow, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2021, pp. 701—760. (In Russ.) (a)
  24. Vinogradov I. A. N. V. Gogol’ i tsenzura. Vzaimootnosheniya khudozhnika i vlasti kak klyuchevaya problema gogolevskogo naslediya [N. V. Gogol and Censorship. The Relationship of the Artist and the Authorities as Key Problem of Gogol’s Heritage]. Moscow, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2021. 864 p. (In Russ.)
  25. Viskonti P. E. To the Society for the Encouragement of Artists in St. Petersburg. From P. E. Visconti. In: Zhurnal Ministerstva Vnutrennikh Del [Journal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs], 1833, no. 10. Addition to no. 10 of Journal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 1833, pp. 3—20. (In Russ.)
  26. Gogol’ N. V. Bisavryuk, or The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala. Little Russian Story (from Folk Tradition), Narrated by the Clerk of the Intercession Church. In: Otechestvennye Zapiski, 1830, part 41, February, no. 118, pp. 238—264. (In Russ.)
  27. Gogol’ N. V. Arabeski. Raznye sochineniya N. Gogolya [Arabesques. Various Works by N. Gogol]. St. Petersburg, v Tipografii vdovy Plyushar s synom Publ., 1835, part 1—2. 287 + 276 p. (In Russ.)
  28. Gogol’ N. V. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy: v 14 tomakh [The Complete Works: in 14 Vols]. Leningrad, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Publ., 1952, vol. 8. 816 p. (In Russ.) (a)
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  30. Gogol’ N. V. Arabeski [Arabesques]. Moscow, Molodaya gvardiya Publ., 1990. 431 p. (In Russ.)
  31. Gogol’ N. V. Neizdannyy Gogol’ [The Unpublished Gogol]. Moscow, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., “Nasledie” Publ., 2001. 600 p. (In Russ.)
  32. Gogol’ N. V. Arabeski [Arabesques]. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., 2009. 512 p. (In Russ.)
  33. Gogol’ N. V. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy i pisem: v 23 tomakh [The Complete Works and Letters: in 23 Vols]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2009, vol. 3: Arabesque. Various Works of N. Gogol. 1016 p. (In Russ.)
  34. Gogol’ N. V. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy i pisem: v 17 tomakh (15 knigakh) [The Complete Works and Letters: in 17 Vols (15 Books)]. Moscow, Kiev, Moskovskaya Patriarkhiya Publ., 2009—2010, vol. 1—17. 664 + 688 + 680 + 744 + 816 + 720 + 968 + 392 + 488 + 704 + 592 + 608 + 624 + 816 + 936 p. (In Russ.)
  35. Grigoriy Sinait, Reverend. Our Holy Father Gregory of Sinai Very Useful Chapters on Various Spiritual Subjects. In: Khristianskoe Chtenie [Christian Reading], 1824, part 16, pp. 115—168, 233—263. (In Russ.)
  36. Grigorovich V. Saint Petersburg’s Ancient Egyptian Sphinxes. In: Severnaya Pchela [Northern Bee], 1832, June 13, no. 133, pp. 2—4. (In Russ.)
  37. Deryugina L. V. Sculpture, Painting and Music. A Comment. In: Gogol’ N. V.Polnoe sobranie sochineniy i pisem: v 23 tomakh [Gogol N. V.TheComplete Works and Letters: in 23 Vols]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2009, vol. 3: Arabesque. Various Works of N. Gogol, pp. 504—524. (In Russ.)
  38. Desnitskiy V. A. O predelakh spetsifikatsii v literaturnoy nauke [On the Limits of Specification in Literary Science]. In: V bor'be za marksizm v literaturnoy nauke. Sbornik statey [In the Struggle for Marxism in Literary Science. Digest of articles]. Leningrad, Priboy Publ., 1930, pp. 7–46. (In Russ.)
  39. Dolgopolov L. K. Gogol in the Early 1840s (“The Portrait” and “Taras Bulba”: Second Editions in Connection with the Beginning of the Spiritual Crisis). In: Russkaya literatura, 1969, no. 2, pp. 82—104. (In Russ.)
  40. Erofiiv Iv. Gogol’s New Manuscript. (From the Manuscript Department of the Museum of Slobodskoi Ukraine). In: Chervoniy Shlyakh. Kharkiv, 1926, no. 2, pp. 175—176. (In Ukrainian)
  41. Ioann Karpatiyskiy (Karpatskiy). Our Reverend Father John of Karpathos One Hundred Consoling Chapters to the Indian Monks who Wrote to Him. In: Khristianskoe Chtenie [Christian Reading], 1827, part 26, pp. 134—187. (In Russ.) (а)
  42. Ioann Karpatiyskiy (Karpatskiy). Our Holy Father John of Karpathos Word Is Ascetic and Very Consolatory to the Monks who Wrote to Him from India, Serving as an Addition to 100 Chapters. In: Khristianskoe Chtenie [Christian Reading], 1827, part 26, pp. 296—306. (In Russ.) (b)
  43. Isikhiy, Presbyter of Jerusalem, Reverend. Hesychius Presbyter to Theodoulos A Soulful and Saving Word About Sobriety and Virtue, Divided into 203 Chapters. In: Khristianskoe Chtenie [Christian Reading], 1827, part 25, pp. 131—222. (In Russ.)
  44. How Can One Get Rid of Vain and Impure Imaginations. In: Khristianskoe Chtenie [Christian Reading], 1822, part 1, pp. 298—317. (In Russ.)
  45. Kiprian (Kern), Archimandrite. Antropologiya Sv. Grigoriya Palamy [Anthropology of St. Gregory Palamas]. Paris, YMCA-PRESS Publ., 1950. 453 p. (In Russ.)
  46. Makariy Velikiy, Reverend. Discourse of Our Reverend Father Macarius the Great on the Dignity, Superiority, Strength and Action of the Immortal Soul, and How it Is Tempted by Satan and Freed from His Temptations. In: Khristianskoe Chtenie [Christian Reading], 1825, part 19, pp. 3—29. (In Russ.)
  47. Mark Podvizhnik, Reverend. Our Reverend and God-bearing Father Mark the Ascetic About the Spiritual Law 200 Chapters. In: Khristianskoe Chtenie [Christian Reading], 1821, part 3, pp. 23—266. (In Russ.)
  48. Nikifor Monakh, Reverend. Nikephoros the Monk’s Word About Sobriety and Preservation of the Heart, Full of no Small Benefit. In: Khristianskoe Chtenie [Christian Reading], 1825, part 19, pp. 119—143. (In Russ.)
  49. About the Egyptian Sphinxes Brought to St. Petersburg. In: Zhurnal Ministerstva Vnutrennikh Del [Journal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs], 1832, no. 2, pp. 91—94. (In Russ.)
  50. About the Purpose and Subjects of the Proposed Christian Reading. In: Khristianskoe Chtenie [Christian Reading], 1821, part 1, pp. 3—28. (In Russ.)
  51. Palamarchuk P. G. “Arabesques” Pattern. In: Gogol’ N. V. Arabeski [Gogol N. V. Arabesques]. Moscow, Molodaya gvardiya Publ., 1990, pp. 378—390. (In Russ.)
  52. Pushkin A. Evgeniy Onegin. Glava IV i glava V [Eugene Onegin. Chapter 4 and Chapter 5]. St. Petersburg, v Tipografii Departamenta Narodnogo Prosveshcheniya Publ., 1828. 93 p. (In Russ.)
  53. Pushkin А. S. Ruslan i Lyudmila. Poema Aleksandra Pushkina [Ruslan and Ludmila. Poem by Alexander Pushkin]. St. Petersburg, v Tipografii Departamenta Narodnogo Prosveshcheniya Publ., 1828. 159 p. (In Russ.)
  54. Pushkin А. S. Geroy [Hero]. In: Teleskop [Telescope], 1831, no 1, pp. 46–48. (In Russ.)
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  56. Pushkin. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy: v 16 tomakh [Complete Works: in 16 volumes]. Moscow, Leningrad, Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Publ., 1837–1959, vol. 13, Correspondence, 1815—1827, edited by D. D. Blagoy. 1937. 651 p.
  57. Reynal’ G. T. About the Religion of Odin. About his Bloodthirsty Teaching. Destruction of this System by Christianity. In: Reynal’ G. T.Filosoficheskaya i politicheskaya istoriya o zavedeniyakh i kommertsii Evropeytsev v obeikh Indiyakh, sochinennaya Abbatom Reynalem [Philosophical and Political History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies, Composed by Abbot Raynal]. St. Petersburg, v Tipografii I. Glazunova Publ., 1834, part 2, pp. 156—158. (In Russ.)
  58. Simeon Novyy Bogoslov, Reverend. Word About Faith of Our Reverend Father Simeon the New Theologian. In: Khristianskoe Chtenie [Christian Reading], 1821, part 1, pp. 142—161. (In Russ.)
  59. Simeon Novyy Bogoslov, Reverend. The 152 Activity and Theological Chapters of Our Reverend Father Simeon the New Theologian. In: Khristianskoe Chtenie [Christian Reading], 1823, part 12, pp. 3–94. (In Russ.)
  60. Fridlender G. M. A Few Words About Pushkin. A Comment. In: Gogol’ N. V. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy: v 14 tomakh [Gogol N. V. The Complete Works: in 14 Vols]. Leningrad, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Publ., 1952, vol. 8, pp. 756—758. (In Russ.)
  61. Shenrok V. I. Materialy dlya biografii Gogolya: v 14 tomakh [Materials for the Biography of Gogol: in 4 Vols]. Moscow, Tipografiya A. I. Mamontova i Kº Publ., 1892, vol. 1. 386 p. (In Russ.)
  62. Shishkin A. B. «Na pire Platona vo vremya chumy»: k interpretatsiyam pushkinskoy «malen'koy tragedii» [“At Plato’s Feast in Time of Plague”: on Interpretations of A. S. Pushkin’s “Little Tragedy”]. In: Literaturnyy fakt [Literary fact], no. 2 (20), 2021, pp. 216–237. Available at: (accessed on February 15, 2021). DOI: 10.22455/2541-8297-2021-20-216-237 (In Russ.)