1. Byliny Zimnego berega Belogo morya [Epics of the Winter Coast of the White Sea]. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., Moscow, Klassika Publ., 2018. 995 p. (The Code of Russian Folklore. Epics; vol. 8). (In Russ.)
2. Byliny Zimnego berega Belogo morya: skazitel’nitsa Marfa Semenovna Kryukova [Epics of the Winter Coast of the White Sea: The Storyteller Marfa Semyonovna Kryukova]. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., Moscow, Klassika Publ., 2020. 1703 p. (The Code of Russian Folklore. Epics; vol. 9). (In Russ.)
3. Byliny Kuloya [Epics of Kuloy]. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., Moscow, Klassika Publ., 2011. 922 p. (The Code of Russian Folklore. Epics; vol. 6). (In Russ.)
4. Byliny Mezeni [Epics of Mezen]. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., Moscow, Klassika Publ., 2003–2006. (The Code of Russian Folklore. Epics; vol. 3–5). (In Russ.)
5. Byliny Pechory [Epics of Pechora]. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., Moscow, Klassika Publ., 2001. (The Code of Russian Folklore. Epics; vol. 1–2). (In Russ.)
6. Byliny Pinegi [Epics of Pinega]. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., Moscow, Klassika Publ., 2012. 974 p. (The Code of Russian Folklore. Epics; vol. 7). (In Russ.)
7. Byliny Pudogi [Epics of Pudoga]. St. Petersburg, Nauka Publ., Moscow, Klassika Publ., 2013–2016. (The Code of Russian Folklore. Epics; vol. 16–18 (1–2)). (In Russ.)
8. Onezhskie byliny, zapisannye A. F. Gil’ ferdingom letom 1871 goda [Onega Epics Recorded by A. F. Hilferding in the Summer of 1871]. Moscow, Leningrad, Academy of Sciences of the USSR Publ., 1949–1951, vol. 1. 735 p.; vol. 2. 811 p.; vol. 3. 670 p. (In Russ.)
9. Istoricheskie pesni XVII veka [Historical Songs of the 17th Century]. Moscow, Leningrad, Nauka Publ., 1966. 385 p. (In Russ.)
10. Istoricheskie pesni XVIII veka [Historical Songs of the 18th Century]. Leningrad, Nauka Publ., 1971. 356 p. (In Russ.)
11. Milyukov P. N. What Is the “Viryanskoe Sea” and the Town “Ledenets”? (Reference to the Question of the Time and Place of Origin of the Epic About the Nightingale Budimirovich). In: Yubileynyy sbornik v chest’ Vsevoloda Fedorovicha Millera, izdannyy ego uchenikami i pochitatelyami [Anniversary Collection in Honor of Vsevolod Fedorovich Miller, Published by His Students and Admirers]. Moscow, 1900, pp. 314–315. (In Russ.)
12. Russkaya epicheskaya poeziya Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka [Russian Epic Poetry of Siberia and the Far East]. Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ., 1991. 498 p. (Folklore Monuments of the Peoples of Siberia and the Far East). (In Russ.)