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  16. Pereda F. Mijail Bajtín y la historia del arte sin nombres. In: Mijail Bajtín en la encrucijada de la hermenéutica y las ciencias humanas, ed. Bénédicte Vauthier and Pedro M. Cátedra, Salamanca: SEMYR, 2003, pp. 93‒118. (In Spain)
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  20. Tihanov G. The Birth and Death of Literary Theory: Regimes of Relevance in Russia and Beyond, Stanford: Stanford UP, 2019. 258 p.
  21. Todorov T. Mikhail Bakhtine: Le principe dialogique, Paris: Seuil, 1981. 315 p.
  22. Urnov D. Vadim i Bakhtin. In: Nash Sovremennik, 2006, No. 2, pp. 242‒252.
  23. Wall A. On the Look-Out for Bachtin in German. In: Le Bulletin Bakhtine/The Bakhtin Newsletter, 1996, No. 5 (Special issue “Bakhtin Around the World”, ed. Scott Lee and Clive Thomson), pp. 117‒141.
  24. Wall A. How to Do Things with Bakhtin (in German)? In: Recherches sémiotiques/Semiotic inquiry, 1998, Vol. 18, No. 1‒2 (special issue “Bakhtine et l’avenir des signes/Bakhtin and the future of signs”), pp. 267‒294.
  25. Zbinden K. Bakhtin between East and West: Cross-Cultural Transmission, Oxford: Legenda, 2006. 185 p.