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2. Bukharkin P. E. Pravoslavnaya Tserkov’ i russkaya literatura v XVIII—XIX vekakh: Problemy kul’turnogo dialoga [The Orthodox Church and Russian Literature in the 18th—19th Centuries: Problems of Cultural Dialogue]. Saint-Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg State University Publ., 1996. 170 p.
3. Dukhovnaya traditsiya v russkoy literature: sbornik nauchnykh statey [Spiritual Tradition in Russian Literature: a Collection of Research Articles]. Izhevsk, Udmurt State University Publ., 2009. 523 p.
4. Esaulov I. A. Dukhovnaya traditsiya v russkoy literature [Spiritual Tradition in Russian Literature]. Literaturnaya entsiklopediya terminov i ponyatiy [The Literary Encyclopedia of Terms and Concepts]. Moscow, Intelvak Publ., 2001, pp. 254—256.
5. Esaulov I. A. Kategorii zakona i blagodati v «Kapitanskoy dochke» A. S. Pushkina [The Categories of Law and Grace in Alexander Pushkin’s Novel «The Captain’s Daughter»]. Russkaya kul'tura i Vostok: materialy III Krymskikh Pushkinskikh chteniy [Russian Culture and the East: the Proceedings of the Third Crimean Pushkin Readings]. Bakhchisaray, 1993, p. 51.
6. Esaulov I. A. Kategoriya sobornosti v russkoy literature (k postanovke problemy) [The Category of sobornost in Russian Literature]. Problemy istoricheskoy poetiki [The problems of historical poetics]. Petrozavodsk: Petrozavodsk State University Publ., 1994. Vol. 3: Evangel’skiy tekst v russkoy literature XVIII—XX vekov: tsitata, reministsentsiya, motiv, syuzhet, zhanr [The Gospel Text in Russian Literature of the 18th–20th Centuries: quotation, reminiscence, motive, plot, genre]. Issue 1, pp. 32—60.
7. Esaulov I. A. Kategoriya sobornosti v russkoy literature [The Category of sobornost in Russian Literature]. Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk State University Publ., 1995. 287 p.
8. Esaulov I. A. Novye kategorii filologicheskogo analiza dlya ponimaniya sushchnosti russkoy literatury [New Categories of Philological Analysis for the Comprehension of the Essence of Russian Literature]. Literaturovedcheskiy zhurnal [Literary Magazine]. Moscow, The Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2007, no. 21, pp. 3—14.
9. Esaulov I. A. Prazdniki. Radosti. Skorbi: Literatura russkogo zarubezh’ya kak zavershenie traditsii [Holidays. Rejoicings. Sorrows: Russian Literature Abroad as the Completion of Tradition]. Novyy mir [New world], 1992, no. 10, pp. 232—242.
10. Esaulov I. A. Sataninskie zvezdy i svyashchennaya voyna: Sovremennyy roman v kontekste russkoy dukhovnoy traditsii [Satanic Stars and the Holy War: The Modern Novel in the Context of the Russian Spiritual Tradition]. Novyy mir [New World], 1994, no. 4, pp. 224—239.
11. Esaulov I. A. Totalitarnost’ i sobornost’: dva lika russkoy kul’tury [Totalitarianism and Sobornost: Two Images of Russian Culture]. Voprosy literatury [The Questions of Literature], 1992, no. 1, pp. 148—170.
12. Esaulov I. A. Khristianskaya traditsiya i khudozhestvennoe tvorchestvo [Christian Tradition and Artistic Creation]. Problemy istoricheskoy poetiki [The problems of historical poetics]. Petrozavodsk: Petrozavodsk State University Publ., 2005. Vol. 7: Evangel’skiy tekst v russkoy literature XVIII–XX vekov: tsitata, reministsentsiya, motiv, syuzhet, zhanr [The Gospel Text in Russian Literature of the 18th–20th Centuries: quotation, reminiscence, motive, plot, genre]. Issue 4, pp. 17—28.
13. Esaulov I. A. Satanic Stars and Holy War: The Modern Novel in the Context of the Russian Spiritual Tradition. Russian Studies in Literature. Rochester, University of Rochester Publ., 1996, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 18—34.
14. Esaulov I. A. Totalitarnost i sabornost: dva lika ruske culture [Totalitarianism and Sobornost: Two Images of Russian Culture] (in Croatian). Literaturnoe obozrenie [Literary Review]. Zagreb, 1994, no. 92—94, pp. 49—57.
15. Zakharov V. N. Pravoslavnye aspekty etnopoetiki russkoy literatury [Orthodox Aspects of Russian Literature Ethnopoetics]. Problemy istoricheskoy poetiki [The problems of historical poetics]. Petrozavodsk: Petrozavodsk State University Publ., 1998. Vol. 5: Evangel’skiy tekst v russkoy literature XVIII—XX vekov: tsitata, reministsentsiya, motiv, syuzhet, zhanr [The Gospel Text in Russian Literature of the 18th—20th Centuries: quotation, reminiscence, motive, plot, genre]. Issue 2, pp. 5—30.
16. Kotel’nikov V. A. Pravoslavnaya asketika i russkaya literature: (Na puti k Optinoy) [Orthodox Asceticism and Russian Literature: (On the Path to Optina)]. Saint-Petersburg, Prizma-15 Publ., 1994. 208 p.
17. Kireevskiy I. V. Kritika i estetika [Criticism and Aesthetics]. Moscow, Iskusstvo Publ., 1979. 439 p.
18. Lotman Yu. M. Arkhaisty-prosvetiteli [Archaists the Enlighteners]. Lotman Yu. M. Izbrannye stat’i: v 3 tomakh [Lotman Yu. M. The Selected Articles: in 3 vols.]. Tallinn, Alexandra Publ., 1993, vol. 3, pp. 356—367.
19. Lotman Yu. M. Russkaya literatura poslepetrovskoy epokhi i khristianskaya traditsiya [Russian Literature of the Post-Petrine Period and the Christian Tradition]. Lotman Yu. M. Izbrannye stat’i: v 3 tomakh [Lotman Yu. M. The Selected Articles: in 3 vols.]. Tallinn, Alexandra Publ., 1993, vol. 3, pp. 127—137.
20. Lutsevich L. M. Psaltyr’ v russkoy poezii [The Book of Psalms in Russian Poetry]. Saint-Petersburg, Dmitry Bulanin’s Publ., 2002. 608 p.
21. Mal’chukova T. G. Antichnye i khristianskie traditsii v tvorchestve A. S. Pushkina [Antique and Christian Traditions in A. S. Pushkin’s Poetry]. Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk State Pedagogical University Publ., 1997, vol. 1. 200 p.
22. Teoriya Traditsii: khristianstvo i russkaya slovesnost’ [Theory of Tradition: Christianity and Russian Literature]. Izhevsk, Udmurt State University Publ., 2009. 354 p.