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9. Markova T. N. Formotvorcheskie tendentsii v proze kontsa XX veka. Dis. … d-ra filol. nauk [Form-Creating Tendencies in Prose of the End of 20th Century. PhD. philol. sci. diss.]. Chelyabinsk, 2005. 379 p.

10. Neyolov E. M. Skazka i literatura: sud’ba Tsarevny-lyagushki [A Fairy Tale and Literature: The Fate of the Princess-Frog]. Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk State University Publ., 2011. 130 p.

11. Slavova M. T. Igra i igrovoe nachalo v belletristike dlya detey [Game and Game Basis in Fiction for Children]. Problemy detskoy literatury [Problems of Childrens’ Literature]. Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk State University Publ., 1987, pp. 50‒57.

12. Kheyzinga Y. Homo ludens. V teni zavtrashnego dnya [Homo ludens. In the Shadow of Tomorrow]. Moscow, Progress, Progress-Akademiya Publ., 1992. 464 p.

13. Epshteyn M. N. Postmodernizm v russkoy proze [Postmodernism in Russian Prose]. Мoscow, Vysshaya shkola Publ., 2005. 495 p.