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11. Lupanova I. P. Russkaya narodnaya skazka v tvorchestve pisateley pervoy poloviny XIX veka [Russian Folk Tale in the Works of Writers of the First Half of the 19th Сentury]. Petrozavodsk, State Publishing House of the Karelian ASSR Publ., 1959. 503 p.
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14. Semennikov V. P. Radishchev [Radischev]. Moscow, Leningrad, Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo Publ., 1923. 467 p.
15. Sipovskiy V. V. «Ruslan і Lyudmila»: (K literaturnoy istorii poemy) [“Ruslan and Lyudmila”: (On Literary History of the Poem)]. Pushkin і ego sovremenniki: Materialy і issledovaniya [Pushkin and His Contemporaries: Materials and Researches]. St. Petersburg, 1906, vol. 4, pp. 59–84.
16. Slonimskiy A. L. Pervaya poema Pushkina [The First Poem of Pushkin]. Pushkin: Vremennik Pushkinskoy komissii [Pushkin: Annals of the Pushkin Committee]. Moscow, Leningrad, The Academy of Sciences of the USSR Publ., 1937, [vol.] 3, pp. 183–202.
17. Smirnov Yu. I., Smolitskiy V. G. Byliny o Dobryne Nikitiche i Alyoshe Popoviche [Epic Folk Stories About Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich]. Dobrynya Nikitich і Alyosha Popovich [Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1974, pp. 343–361.
18. Shchedrin I. L. Bogatyrskie poemy N. A. Radishcheva: problema pamyati zhanra byliny [Heroic Poems of N. A. Radishchev: The Problem of Memory in the Genre of Ancient Epic Folk Stories]. Derzhava ta regioni. Seriya Gumanitarni nauki. Zaporozh`e, Klasichniy privatniy universitet Publ., 2014, no. 3 (38), pp. 39–45.
19. Yudin Yu. I. Geroicheskie byliny (Poeticheskoe iskusstvo) [Heroic Epic Folk Stories (Poesy)]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1975. 120 p.