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20. Udodov B. V. M. Yu. Lermontov. Khudozhestvennaya individual’nost’ i tvorcheskie protsessy [M. Yu. Lermontov. Artistic Individuality and Creative Processes]. Voronezh, Voronezh State University Publ., 1973. 702 p. (In Russ.)
21. Shuvalov S. V. On the Text of the Last Edition of Lermontov’s Poem “The Demon” (About the Academic Publication Edited by D. I. Abramovich). In: Besedy: sbornik Obshchestva istorii literatury v Moskve [Conversations: the Collection of the Society of the History of Literature in Moscow]. Moscow, Pechatnya A. I. Snegirevoy Publ., 1915, pp. 16–26. (In Russ.)
22. Eykhenbaum B. M. Poems and Novels in Verses: Comments and Variants. In: Lermontov M. Yu. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy v 5 tomakh [Lermontov M. Yu. The Complete Works: in 5 Vols]. Moscow, Leningrad, Academia Publ., 1935, vol. 3, pp. 628–658. (In Russ.)